My ECV - *Panic Over pg4*

Katie price did too. Ive heard they get a tummy tuck done at the same time. No I suppose they cant be that bad, but I just have a really strong instinct that I want to just give birth without any strangers fussing over me.
Yeah - ditto. Would be nice to have a natural birth. Think the MW at my hospital said that about 1 in 5 women that come in have sections, whether they be planned or emergency. Quite a lot when you think how many babies are born everyday!
yeah its around the same numbers in my hospital too. And they have a really low take up of the birth pool to. I dont get it. I told my midwife that my worst fear was the birth pool not being free and she laughed and said her worst fear is the hospital trying to close down the pool room cos noone ever uses it.
Oh yeah! They say the same at our place! I'm DEMANDING that pool when I get there! Might go into hospital early on in labour just to make sure no one else gets it before me! lol! But like you said, our MW's also say it's hardly ever used! Straaaaaaaaaange!
Theyve agreed that when I ring up in early labour I can 'book' it for myself so theyll have it ready for when I come in. Im refusing to leave the house until they tell OH on the phone that the room is ready for me!! :rofl:
I cant believe some women choose/pay to have sections. I'm with you on that one Tiny - the thought of being awake while someone cuts me open terrifies me!!!
Just out of curiousity, what do you guys plan on wearing while birthing in the water? I have seen these programmes where the women are totally naked and it totally shocks me..... Is it just be being wierd?
Ive packed a bikini top to wear, dunno if Ill feel like it at the time but its inthere just incase!
Ooooooooooo I never thought about what to wear in the pool! Might take an old t-shirt :-) I'll pack my bikini top too :D
After having a section I cannot understand why anyone would choose this major surgery, the risks involved are not conveyed to you and celebs don't do women any favours by glamourising it IMO. There are risks of blood clots on your lungs amongst other things (for which I had to endure a radiation scan - (was not allowed to touch, feed, hold or have my baby near me for 12 hours afterwards) I found it to be a horrific experience. Obviously there are women who have had good sections!
good grief, its a strange world we live in. You would think these celebs, being so worried about their figures would want to avoid scarring too? And dont contractions help your bump to shrink back?! I'd have a caesarian if myself or the baby was in danger obviously, but I cannot understand anyone choosing that!
Back in hospital this aft for a follow up after my ECV and my god am I panicking or what?!

I've been so paranoid over the past week as to the presentation of baby, it's unreal. I keep thinking I can feel a head under my ribs where baby was before the ECV...I'm not sure if i'm imagining it as I think I can feel a head above my pelvis. Oh I don't sodding know!

We'll find out for sure when the consultant scans me later on today. You'd think i'd know about it if baby turned right? I mean he/she would have had to be transverse at somepoint of which felt sooooooo weird at my ECV when my tummy was relaxed, let alone now it's back to normal...!

Say a little prayer for me wont ya girls? Dunno what i'm gonna do if they tell me he/she is breech again :cry:

Also - if I do get back and everything's fine then please feel free to *slap* me silly ok?! ;)
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Good luck today!! I think babys head down for you :) I think baby just wanted to scare you.

Fingers are crossed!! xx
Hope baby is head down - good luck xxx
I think you'd have felt baby turn if s/he had turned back again. I felt oscar turn at 34 weeks into the right position and it bloomin hurt. Good luck for this pm xx
Thanks guys! :-) Feeling a lot more positive now! :hug: And I mean it, if I come back this aft and everything's grand I want a huge *slap* off the lot of you! ;) Been putting Jamie through hell this past week moaning to him all the time that our child is the wrong way round! Haha! :rofl:
fingers crossed for you hun, im sure you be fine tho and that baby is head down! XX

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