Had my 38 week appointment this morning and baby is head down, in a great position and 4/5ths engaged
! Baby's heart rate was really fast but MW thought this was just because she didn't stop wiggling the whole time the doppler was on my belly.
Also pleased that blood pressure is back to normal and swelling has gone so the pre-eclampsia worry isn't there any more. MW also really reassured me about taking the GBS antibiotics.
So all in all a great appointment and I feel like everything is now in place for bubs to make her entrance... come on little one!

Also pleased that blood pressure is back to normal and swelling has gone so the pre-eclampsia worry isn't there any more. MW also really reassured me about taking the GBS antibiotics.
So all in all a great appointment and I feel like everything is now in place for bubs to make her entrance... come on little one!