My dog nearly bit my baby :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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We have spent months trying to get her rehoused. She has been so jelous since his arrival. Well today was the final straw. She tried to bite him - I was playing with him and she jumped up at him. I didn't notice what was going on as it happened so fast. It was only because my OH was looking that he had time to act.

We have phoned every where. They are all full up. We tried the rspca as a last resort and even they said they couldn;t help. I don't know what to do. I can't take any more chances with her. :(



where abouts are you hun i will see if i can find anything and what sort of dog is it?
awwww hun,i hope little ones ok?and you of course :hug: :hug: :hug: i hope you find somewhere for your doggy soon. :?sorry that its come to this it must of been a hard decision for you. im having to consider homing my doggy too.well i have2 labs but they just get so excited all the time cos they have so much energy and with hubby being away they just dont get the exrecise they need.
I live in Grimsby. We got her when we lived in s****horpe. She was beaten up and abandoned. Her owners (who lived opposite us) left her to walk the streets looking for food. We persuaded her to come in to ours and we fed her up and got her fit and healthy again.
Thankyou hun, I have called all of those except the snakes and dragons and reptile welfare ones - obviously! I didn't have any luck and the rspca were very rude to us. :shock:
Awww hun, we went thru the same thing, I had 2 dogs and one of them was getting very grumpy around my baby, growling etc, we got him from a rehoming centre too. He had a bit of collie in him and it looks like your has too.

We had a nightmare trying to get someone to take him, like you I called everywhere but all the rehoming places were full, due to the finacial crisis apparently. RSPCA were rude to me as well, they said we took on the dog for life and shouldnt be rehoming him!!

In the end the place we got him from (woodgreen) took him back. Have you tried them? Its in cambs so may be a bit of a trek but worth it for bubs' safety. or have you got any family to take him in for you for a while?

Good luck hun, hope it works out for you x
Hi hun, I havent heard of that but it probably is too far as we dont drive. I am just waiting to hear from my mum to see if she can take her in for a few weeks and see if we can find her a home. I can't believe how hard it is to get a dog re homed. We see all these adverts day in day out asking for money and they are not willing to do anything in return. It really cheeses me off as I have donated money to a variety of these charities. :shakehead:
soverign said:
Hi hun, I havent heard of that but it probably is too far as we dont drive. I am just waiting to hear from my mum to see if she can take her in for a few weeks and see if we can find her a home. I can't believe how hard it is to get a dog re homed. We see all these adverts day in day out asking for money and they are not willing to do anything in return. It really cheeses me off as I have donated money to a variety of these charities. :shakehead:
i know it sounds unfair but the reality is there isnt room, most dog rescues have a waiting list and untill they have a space they just cant take them in, that why so many people just let their dogs out and wait for the warden to collect them or the pound as it means they have to take them then but because of this it makes the waiting list for genuine people like youself even longer. :(
I hope you sort something soon.
hennaly said:
soverign said:
Hi hun, I havent heard of that but it probably is too far as we dont drive. I am just waiting to hear from my mum to see if she can take her in for a few weeks and see if we can find her a home. I can't believe how hard it is to get a dog re homed. We see all these adverts day in day out asking for money and they are not willing to do anything in return. It really cheeses me off as I have donated money to a variety of these charities. :shakehead:
i know it sounds unfair but the reality is there isnt room, most dog rescues have a waiting list and untill they have a space they just cant take them in, that why so many people just let their dogs out and wait for the warden to collect them or the pound as it means they have to take them then but because of this it makes the waiting list for genuine people like youself even longer. :(
I hope you sort something soon.

Hennaly is right hun, you can put yourself on the waiting list, even better if your mum can have her until a space becomes available. The sad reality is that you could have the biggest rescue centre in the country built in your town and it would be full within a week. We have way too many unwanted pets and not enough people wanting to give them homes :(

BTW if you were considering going down the sneaky stray route please check your local council policy. Some will keep for the mandatory 7 days for an owner to come forward and then not even attempt to rehome (no funding), after 7 days the dog gets put to sleep. Some councils will try and rehome after 7 days but again, there will be a time limit or only a set number that be sent for rehoming, if they pick up too many strays that week they too will be put to sleep. Some councils are brill and will try and rehome everything not claimed. Be careful :hug:
There is also a high risk of a dog being hurt or killed while straying :(
If we were closer i would offer to help as i foster dogs all the time.
Maybe you could put an honest advert about her on Epupz you are sure to find her a good home :D
put an ad in your local paper thats how I rehomed our dog when she went for paris
Have you got a blue cross near you? my friends dog went for one of her kids and they took her no problems (the dog not the kid)
Thankyou ladies! Yeah I will try everything this coming week. I will put an advert in the paper as well. She isn;t an aggressive dog its just that we had her for 3 years before baby came along and she doesn;t know whats going on. We probably gave her too much love seen as she had been beaten up and left to walk the streets.
We rang them first! They dont have any room. They dont let you put them on any kind of waiting list either for some reason. Its just a case of keeping ringing to see if they have any space every week!

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