my darling hubby.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
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bless him, has today been to the high street and bought me a present??????????? some opks, which i then used to test and both lines were dark....yay :dance: , so he kindly offered to give me "some of the good stuff" went upstairs, rolled up a towel for me lie on so my pelvis would be lifted, and afterwards ordered me to stay lying down for a while. :sleep: .........................oh its a hard life ladies ,, ...really, i just do not know how i am ever going to cope with this ttc lark, lol :lol:

ooh forgot t add i also got tea and toast, :cheer:
Awww thats so sweet of him, I nearly had tears when I read that, it's so kind and deserves to be a Daddy! Bless his cotton towel! :clap:

Antonia's my middle name btw :cheer:
awww what a lovely hubby you have.

I should send mine round your way to learn some tips :D
Lorna said:
awww what a lovely hubby you have.

I should send mine round your way to learn some tips :D

Yeah me too have a heart attack if my DH came home with OPKs!! :rotfl:

Sounds like you have a good bloke there hun, keep hold of that one :D
lol, ...he is a poppett bless, not usually one to show feeling or emotions either humour and sarcasm are more his strong points,, ha ha.

getting a bit worried now though as he has just rubbed my tummy and told his little spermies to swim and threatened to pick me up by my feet and carry me round upside down as he is sure that will help :lol:

must admit i am really glad that he is showing an interest as when we first decided there was very little input, i think perhaps the months of negative pg tests may have had an an impact on him too bless.
antonia said:
getting a bit worried now though as he has just rubbed my tummy and told his little spermies to swim and threatened to pick me up by my feet and carry me round upside down as he is sure that will help :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: How sweet of him!! I will have to tell my dh later and see if he takes the hint :wink: ....I don't think he will though :roll: :lol:

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