My cat, What should i do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I am thinking of giving my oldest cat to my parents (if they will take her) mainly because she pulls her fur out and leaves clumps everywhere, stands there scratching and jumping up at the door handle to get into our bedroom at night which if we dont lock from our side she can open, sleeps on our bed and leaves clumps and muck all over. Wees and poos on the floor if there is even one poo in the cat tray, we have tried everything to try and get rid of her fleas and worms and nothing seems to do it so she passes it straight on to the other two when they have been treated and also doesnt get on well with the youngest cat who cost us to much to just get rid of. She is very difficult to treat for anything as she can be quite aggressive when trying to treat her that even vets cant seem to do it.

The only problem is she is one of my other cats mum and they have never been parted and i have had her for 10 years and it will break my heart to see her go even though it is to my parents and i dont know whether her son will be ok apart from her.

At my mums she will be able to go out when she wants (even though she has recently become agraphobic) and wont get harrassed by my younger cat which will hopefully destress her stopping her from pulling her fur out.

I dont know what to do for the best, whether she will be better off with my mum and dad or with us and her son?

Anyone got any suggestions?
if shes as bad as she sounds, id give her 2 your parents because of your LO on the way

lets hope your parents dont read this lol otherwise they wont want her :D
Same here no questions i would give her to your mum, you really wont want you baby crawling about on carpet that the cat has had a pee or poo on :shock:

At least you can still see her when you visit :D
I agree at least she will be going to your mum and not a stranger!
chaelihol said:
if shes as bad as she sounds, id give her 2 your parents because of your LO on the way

lets hope your parents dont read this lol otherwise they wont want her :D

My parents already know what she is like. She wouldnt as much hard work if she was on her own but with the other two and a baby i think it would be pretty hard work to keep on top of it all.

I just have to hope that my dad agrees to it and that her son doesnt have a major sulk when she has gone :?
cats soon get used to new things and I'm sure the 'son' will not mind too much after a few days that she is no longer there, I had to give my cat away when I moved here and after 2 days in his new home you'd never have thought he'd been my cat, you gotta do what's best for your baby.

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