My bump has dropped so low!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I have always carried really high, my bump would start where my bust is, and I would always have a bum by my ribs.

The last week or so I've not had anything get stuck under my ribs at all, and midwife confirmed I'm fully engaged, so that explains that. My bump was still really really high, until yesterday evening!

I can literally fit 2 hands under my bust to the start of my bump now. It's incredibly low! Looks like baby is going to fall out! Haha!

I haven't posted hardly anything about labour symptoms because I really don't want to jinx it but I have had some mega period pains and a bit of plug, and last night lots of watery discharge.

Reading that back is so scary lol, I am still unwell which is really annoying, as if I do go into labour I feel so crappy I doubt I'll have any blooming energy! I'm awake at stupid hours (hence when I'm posting this lol). Driving me nuts!

Anyone else noticed their bumps changing dramatically or anything exciting? X
Missy get off here and go back to bed! You'll never sleep if your on here. Get as much rest as you can.


Ps - did those tracks come through ok?
Hope you got back to sleep! Sounds like your baby is getting ready to make an appearance, very exciting but esp if you're not feeling well get all the rest you can before baby arrives!!! Oh and enjoy just being able to take time to do nothing by yourself while you can :)
Thanks ladies. Yeah gonna catch up on sleep. I have been wide awake for ages! And now it's light outside. Damit. Lol

Gemma-I emailed you back, and PM'd you on here with showers of praise as you are a legged! Tracks are great, I like listening to one of them a lot as it helps me relax x
My bump is still high although may hav dropped slightly as not had as much rib pain over last 24 hours. Thanks for replying to thread last night, I managed to get back off to sleep at 5. I am worried about wed induction so dont think ill get much sleep f next 2 nights x
Exciting, shouldnt be long now xxx

Rayoflight, everytime I see your pic I smile, you look soooo like a friend of mine that I used to work with ;)
Fingers crossed for you something will start soon xxxx
God I hope not! Im not getting too impatient and understand about going overdue etc it would just be nice to not go overdue! Lol. X
Good luck-sounds like she'l b here v v soon xx
Is it uncomfortable when you walk etc now its fully engaged? Or is it better?
Oooh *rubs hands with glee* fingers crossed this is it.
No go put ur feet up n relax. Reserve ur energy invade it is :)
Is it uncomfortable when you walk etc now its fully engaged? Or is it better?

it actually feels a bit like you have something wedged in between your legs when you walk! and i all of a sudden waddle rather than walk?! but it gets the pressure out from under your ribs! x
Yayyy for fully engaged and dropped bump Lexi! I agree feels like you have a brick sitting just between your legs and just about to fall out!

So exciting , hope your baby girl arrives soon, I'm dying to see her!
Ooo hope shes getting ready to come on her way hun, how exciting!! :D x
it is exciting but i think ill be even more excited if my waters break or i start getting regular contractions! x
Ooh I'm really excited for you flexilexi! You are one of the first people I remember seeing in tri 1 when I was ttc so I can't believe your little girl is nearly here!!! :)
Ahh jodied, I remember you ttc lol it's mental how fast it goes isn't it?! That's the lovely thing with the forum, you can see people right through their journeys! It's amazing! Xx

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