bump dropped ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi me again :wink:

Question for you all, I've noticed this week that my bump and movements are feeling very very low.

My bump seems to have dropped dramatically in the last few days and I can feel him moving and pulling right on my c section scar...

Did anyone else find that their bump dropped low before birth or a few weeks before?
I think its quite common isn't it K for the bumps to drop - I thought they usually said around 34 weeks but that everyone is different and some are earlier and some are later

Got a before and after pic so we can discuss and see if your a nutter or not?

Did you do lots of pondering on the train back from London today :think:

I haven't noticed my bump has dropped, someone else mentioned it the other day though...but Libbys movements have always been low, and nearlly always on the left :think: so i can't say I would prob notice.

Which reminds me.....bump pic! :cheer: Will do that now!
I did think a lot yeah :rotfl:

A stayed here and started the drawers! :clap: :clap: :clap:

I was sat on the bus wondering and reading my billingual family book :rotfl:

I think I have a bum at the top of my bump and down the bottom is more like fingers or something, you know the feeling if you spread your fingers and pull them through water...does that make sense?... just feels so much heavier down there than it used to be too, even struggle with pelvic floor e's :think:
my movements have always been low ish to normall around the belly button and just bellow it.

A is well trained staying home and doing the draws lol

when I went to MW the other day she pointed out when (s)he was laying, head was at bottom to the right, then back curled up round the left hand sind and bum at the top in the middle. Ill she is (s)he has moved when I go again on Friday
that's how Sam likes to lie JW!!!!

Maybe it's a sign you're having a boy, I'm still convinced there's a little boy in there! :cheer:

Though saying that, a girl would be good to even out the numbers... don't know how Libby will cope with all of the male company :think:
LOL seems B is convinced im having a boy and now also my brother as all his texts always say 'how is my nephew'' etc lol

I tell ya though I have no clue tbh - some days I think yeah its a boy other days its a girl!

someone said what sex you dream about is what sex your having and I when I dream its always a boy but then I dont believe in old wives tales either!
mine hasn't dropped atall but then remember somone who was about to drop saying there m/w had said some bumps do some don't.

I still wish mine was a suprise...but once he's here it won't matter
My bump never dropped, in fact two days before I had him someone told me I was going to well overdue cos my bump hadnt dropped! Well I can tell you that was rubbish, 48 hours later he arrived!
mine has dropped slightlt this week too hun :D xxxx
My bump has dropped now that the baby is fully engaged, which is only for the last few days. It also feels rather flat underneath now too.

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