my breasts aren't sore am I pregnant?

sara sara

Mar 25, 2014
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I've been trying to get pregnant for about one year and have and no baby yet!!

I have done all tests and my husband as well and evey thing is normal. Seems to be unexplained reasons

Anyway, My periods are always 28 days an I get sore breasts a week before my period, Today was my day 26 and I have 2 days to have it but I have no signs of period now, My breast are note sore, I am not nervous and no cramping.

Has anyone had the same experience and found herself pregnant??
Please help me :)
Hi hun fingers crossed its a good sign for you ... i used to have sore boobs from ov to my period but thats change to a week before period and now my just randomly get sore .... bcos period symtoms are so similar to pregnancy symptoms its hard to tell .... but i always say if its different to your normal symptoms its a good sign good luck hun xx
Fingers crossed, you could always do a digital test, clear blue you can do 4 days before your period is due.
When im due on I don't have sore breasts every time. When I got pregnant last year but MC I had sore breasts
Before . But with this pregnancy I had no symptoms and was suprised when I was late , I did the test and it was positive :dance:
Thank you both
I also got urine infection in the last 3 days
I have never had such this problem before, I will keep you updated, No sign of period yet, Day 27
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Sara have you done a test yet?

No Claire, I'm waiting for tomorrow morning, If no bleeding I'll use baby check
I used to see a pinkish spotting in day 26, almost during all these years but this time nothing, Neither bleedong nor pinkish spotting
Hiya, in all honesty some of my earliest signs of pregnancy were sore boobs & cramps - so my pregnancy signs sound more like your period signs lol - which I know isn't of much help :) by thought I'd just share xx
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I would go to the doctors next week if you still haven't come on your period, they could test you and hopefully it will be positive xxxx
Day 31, No bleeding yet,
I will see my Dr on Monday if period doesn't show up.
I don't have even the feeling of that!!!
Day 31,, Finally bleeding...a year and half waiting,,,and again waiting :((

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