my boobs just keep growing


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2006
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By the time I found out I was pregnant my boobs had gone up one cup 5 weeks later my Bra was too small so went to the shop got next cup size up but that was too small so had too be measured i have gone up 2 cup sizes in 5 weeks...eek...Is this avarage ? I haven't put any weight on yet just got massive boobs.

Think i might topple over soon lol
I did just the same with my son :lol:
This time no such luck :( back to pancakes with cherries on top
After breast feeding both of mine i don't have much left :shock:

They hurt like hell but don't think they're going to improve much, poor OH :D
I was in my pre children days a 34DD, big boobs.... then i breast fed my first, Droped a cup size. Grew huge boobs when pregnant with second child, breast fed for a wee while.. shrunk to tiny wee saggy paps, but now, Big BOOBS and firm.. yippee! ! :cheer: :cheer: my OH loves them...had to chase him off when they were tender... :talkhand: but whey hey! hope i keep some this time :rotfl:
my OH loves my big boobs, keeps saying to me can we keep these :rotfl: shame he hasnt been able to touch them :lol:
I want boobs, mine are just a little sensitive on the sides but I'm still waiting for them to grow :(
Charm said:
I want boobs, mine are just a little sensitive on the sides but I'm still waiting for them to grow :(

been waiting for mine to grow since i was 15 :|
Hmm, I started off at a 32 F and am going for a fitting today cause all bra's I own are tight on me!
I feel your pain, I started at 36G and growing all the time, but can't find maternity bras with underwires at a sensible cost :roll:
I went to Debenhams, they took ages to make sure I went with the right size. Its not technically a maternity bra, but have shown me how to alter it correctly over the next few months and even said i could call back for advice etc. It wasnt cheap - £32 - but what price to defy gravity? They do have a sale on though, might find one in the sale when you know what size you are.
i need to go and get measured again, mine wont stop growing this time either, started of at a 42dd, wonder what i am now? lol
I started a C cup I am now DD so i guess I am still quite lucky lol
before i had 1st child i was 36b went up to a 40c then on 2nd i started at a 38c and ended up 42dd starting this time with a 40d so god help me lol xxx
I'm so glad I found this post - my boobs aren't particularl sore (yet) unless I'm going downstairs, but they have grown alot (only 4 weeks gone) and they were large to start with (36DD). I'm sure people must be able to tell i'm pregnant just by looking at them! I'm sure thay must be up to an F as they are 2-3inches bigger. My Mum is going to guess straight away, I just know.

Going to get measured at the weekend and trade in the underwired bras for some granny style hammocks - but will they keep growing?!?! My office is only so big and I'm in danger of filling it :rotfl:

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