My Blog


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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I have posted this in TTC, but hope it may be interesting to everyone.

Please visit it if you want (bear in mind, it has just been started!!)


There is also a link in my signature.
i had a look at your blog. did u really get positive results this month? are u 100% sure ur not pregnant??? how do chemical pregnancies happen?
I got some +ives 2 and 1 days before my period was due, then they got fainter and fainter and then I got BFN's

SOmeone suggested a chemical pregnancy and showed me a website link.
I can't be 100% sure, but it seems like it to me.
Chemical pregnancies are where the egg is fertilised and starts to implant- so you get Hcg - but then something happens or there is something wrong with the fertilised egg and it gets rejected or fails. You then get what seems like a normal period, just a little later maybe. If it wasn't for the sensitive tests we have now - you would never know. Apparently it happens a lot...mother nature taking her course. But it's generally only us addicted to POAS that find out - cos we start testing at 7dpo :oops:
Peeing on a stick!

You don't sound stupid hun - I didn't know what thesse things meant until I started posting in TTC!
I ahve added a definition of Chemical PG in the blog as I didn't know what it meant until someone told me

Is there anything else people think I should add / write about in my blog?

Any help appreciated
just make sure you tell us when you test, and whenever your period is late. I think you should get "taking charge of your fetility" by Toni weschler, it really helps. I've got it and although it just happened naturally for me, it did help me understand how my body works a little bit more. do you chart and take your temperature etc.? oh and als whats the length of your cycles? i sound like a doctor now don't i :?
It's ok hun
I don't chart as I have a toddler and don't usually get a chance to take my temp before getting up and seeing to her.

Up to know I have besically just made love to my husband at least every other day to make sure we catch the right time.
Will be using OPK's from now on though, although still will be doing the deed regularly

my cycles are usually 28 or 30 days, but 32 this time.

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