My beautiful baby boy is now sleeping


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the coming weeks and hope that I can lean on some of you for words of comfort who has been through the same horrific experience

On Wednesday I have birth to my beautiful baby boy Jacob James weighing only 580 grams - he was delivered naturally 2 days after my waters broke at 23 weeks

I'm absolutely heartbroken and dreading the thought of having to lay my first born to rest, questioning why us, and not finding an answer

The pain is just unbearable! I know I'm not the first woman to go through this and hope that words of comfort can be found from others

Steph x
Oh Steph I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, can't imagine how you are feeling right now lovely ( my losses were much earlier ) but sending you lots of love.

Don't try and be brave, cry shout and scream when you need - we're here for you.

Take good care of yourself x x x
I am so sorry to see this. As Cazza said don't try to be brave you have to let the emotions out when they want to come out so let the tears fall and the anger out so it doesn't all bottle up inside. If you read back through the posts on here you will see that us angel mums find the strength to get through this as we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. I wish we didn't have to but we do. Jacob will always be a part of you and hopefully you will find comfort in this group as I do and some comfort it knowing he isn't alone up there he has many angel friends. Much love to you and always here to talk xxx
I am so sorry to read this. There are no words, a loss at any time is heartbreaking but to get that far and have that happen is unthinkable.

I know it's a cliche but just manage one day at a time, one hour if you need to, it must be overwhelming to think of what lies ahead but you will get through it. Like others have said you will find strength you didnt know you had.

Know that you have your oh and family and friends to support you (and the ladies here) and let them help you. Keep talking and share what you're going through. My loss was earlier than yours but I shut myself off from talking to family and friends, it was my way of coping but I think it made things harder in the long run.

Sending hugs xxx

I am so sorry to hear this, thoughts are with you! What I've learnt over past couple of months is time is a great healer! Just take it day by day, cry if u want to, scream if u want to or even laugh if u want to. Take all the time you need, I have found this forum a great source of help and support! Even just to vent feelings. Please take care of yourself and know that we are all here for you, sending massive hugs :hugs: xxx
So sorry to read this post, what a terrible thing to happen. There are no words for this, but i am sending you some cyber hugs.
I'm so very sorry to be reading this :-( thinking of you at such a sad time sending hugs of comfort ... RIP baby Jacob xx
I am so sorry for what you are going through, I don't know what to say but sorry and wishing you so much strength to get through it, take time to heal and don't bottle things up. You are a strong women and wishing you all the best for the future x x x x
Sleep well little Jacob. Leo, Charlie and all of the other little darling angels will look after you.

I've posted on another thread to you but if there's anything you need, I'm happy to help. I know your pain, I can't make it go away but I can listen and understand.

Im so sorry for your loss honey! My loss was much earlier on so cant even imagine how you must feel. What the girls have said is the best advice in that you need to take each hour first at a time. Then you can handle each day and then each month!! Xxx
I'm so so sorry that's awful my thoughts are with u x
Oh Steph, I'm so very sorry sweetheart x the other ladies have said everything I would say, so just sending you my love xxx
Hi Steph, I know how you're feeling as we lost our beautiful baby girl at 23.2 weeks (after I contracted a womb/water infection and made me go into labour) Rebecca lived for 47 mins. Her due date should be on 31st August so I'm finding it unbearable knowing that we should be holding her in our arms soon.

Life's so cruel and it feels like a part you has died. It's so hard to stay strong, though its what we have to do.

Take care of yourselves
Love and hugs Vicky x x
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Oh steph I'm so so sorry to be reading this. I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling as my only bfp and only loss was early, it must be the most awful feeling and one that you can barely comprehend. The old cliche time is a great healer seems so hard to believe at the time but the pain will ease over time, never go away, but become easier to deal with, just make sure you allow yourself time and space to grieve and don't put pressure on yourself to feel better too soon. Big hugs to you and your family. Xxxx
I'm so terribly sorry to read your news. I can't imagine what you are going through but thinking of you. Rest in peace little angel Jacob James XXX
Hi honey,

So sorry to hear about Jacob. I haven't experienced still birth but my daughter who was 16 months old died 9 weeks ago so I can sympathise with your pain. Alyssia was our only child too.

Dont be afraid to ask for help SANDS especially will help you. Loosing a child is the hardest thing ever and its a long road ahead of both of us. And the question why will always be with you, its the unanswerable question. Accept the grief as it comes don't punish yourself if your having a better day (cos yes you will get those too!) I wanted to know when I would be better and people said you wont get better you learn to cope with it better and as much as I hated hearing that its true.

Big hugs hunnie please keep wriiting even if you want to just shout and scream XXX
I'm so sorry to read your sad news. Such a tragic thing to happen. Look after yourself and take time to acknowledge your feelings. Sending you much love - sleep tight little Angel xx

Still practicing on the new phone.....
I'm so so sorry to read this. Thinking of you and sending hugs. Xxxx

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