my back and groin is killing me


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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:evil: my back is killing e and i swear i'm being to be house bound :cry: it's fine when i'm setting down, but if i stand up or walk that's it pain... the pain i get from my groin as well..... please don't let me get started there is just too much pressure and i can't take it.. i'm toooooo short :?

and today i have to go to a little get together and i don't want to go... i don't want to get up from this chair :cry: :cry:

I reckon your little girl must be engaged as thats how i've been feeling.

When is your next midwife as she should be able to tell you.


lmarszall said:

I reckon your little girl must be engaged as thats how i've been feeling.

When is your next midwife as she should be able to tell you.



hun my next week midwife app is the 15th of JUNE :wall:

but i've got my doctors app in two weeks

trixipaws said the same thing with the leaking she said LO might be engaged too :eek:
I hope you mean 15th of may!

If it's 15th of June aren't you due on the 12th :eek: :eek:

Thats not too long. But if you feel like that i think that may be why. I feel the same.

Hopefully it'll ease up a bit for you but in all honesty i think for us all it is just going to get more uncomfy until our bubba's arrive!

yep the 15 of june.... i couldn't believe it when she said that... she said so you'll be 40 week then :wall: ummm i'll be well over 40 weeks, she said come if you don't have LO :|

so now all i've got is the doctors app

but that's how my hospital go on

and we are going to carry on in this pain till are LO's arrive... oh i :pray: it will be over very very soon

did that ball help you a tall... mu mums got one think i might give it a bounce
OMG, thats crap!

You should be seeing a midwife more often as you get near your due date. That is stupid!

What does the doctor do at your apt's. Does he feel baby and stuff?

Yeah the ball did help me. I reckon its why he was engaged as i'd been sat on it the day before. It eases my back and i find it quite comfy once i'm on it. Sometimes DP has to help me off it though lol!

Give it go just be careful as they can be a bit unstable. I do it next my bed so i can lean on it for support :)

Sorry you are feeling so bad. :hug:

I'm really surprised you don't have a MW appointment sooner than June :think: I don't understand that. I was told after 30 weeks it's an appointment every 2 weeks then at 36 weeks you should be seen weekly. :| I know things vary between areas but that really does seem a long gap. :(

Maybe your doctor will push things along a bit so you can get to see the MW sooner? Either way I hope you can get some help with the pain. :hug:
thanks Sabrina... i know that's what i thought.. I'll be seeing her every two weeks... but i see the doc every two weeks instead..

yeh he has a feel of my tummy... the same as the midwife.. listens to her heart beat etc

i might try the ball tho...
:hug: i'm sorry ur feeling rubbish. hope it eases up for u soon :hug:

i cant believe ur not seeing MW until AFTER ur due date! shouldnt it go from fortnightly to WEEKLY not from fortnightly to not at all?! :shock: :?
maybe ask ur doc why that is? :think:

wish i could help u but unfortunately all i can do is tell u to take it easy! :hug:
Sounds like you have what I had, SPD. I got a support belt from the hospital, didn't help a lot and was stuck in mostly for the last two months. I was told that a natural birth could make it worse so had a section although regretted it as had so many problems there.

Go to see your GP and ask to be referred I would, I got seen within a week.
Londoner Claire said:
Sounds like you have what I had, SPD. I got a support belt from the hospital, didn't help a lot and was stuck in mostly for the last two months. I was told that a natural birth could make it worse so had a section although regretted it as had so many problems there.

Go to see your GP and ask to be referred I would, I got seen within a week.

i think you might be right :wall:

just resreached it on the internet and i looks like i've got it

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