My baby has died

Hi Fruityloop,

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.

Exactly the same thing happened to me before I had Zara. I went for a scan at 12 weeks because I didn't feel pregnant and my waist had come back. The scan showed the baby had died at around 11 weeks.

I was devistated and I felt like I'd been robbed. The feelings are indescribable really but it took me a while to come to terms with it. I was pregnant with Zara 3 months later which helped but I'll never forget those feelings. My heart goes out to you.

I decided to have the Op too and I have never regretted it. I felt the same as you about it.

I hope you feel better - physically - soon and that emotionally you allow yourself plenty of grieving time.

:hug: to you and your family.

Louise x
thts a rely nice message loiuse, im sure when she reads tht she will feel better knowing she isnt the only one.
We are all here for you all!

Hi everyone,

I've just got home from the hospital. I had my operation at midnight last night after a long wait due to emergencies taking priority over me.

I'm still a bit light headed but I prefer to be in my own bed to a hospital bed. I feel very relieved that it is over. I am in quite a bit of pain and my emotions are all over the shop but I'm coping.

I feel totally overwhelmed by the support I've received from all of you lovely ladies and my personal friends and family. I even received a beautiful vase full of flowers and some chocolates from my employers which were sitting here when I got home. I can't thank everyone enough for being here for me during such a difficult time.

I am going to spend the next week letting the pain subside and rest as much as possible. I had a nasty infection inside me which didn't help the way I was feeling. I hope to start feeling a lot better within a couple of days.

Thanks again to everybody for your kind words and support. I cannot express how much it means to me.

With love
Tina (fruityloop)
xxx :hug:
Arh Tina, dont worry darlin' you are Very very very very welcome!
I along with many woman can only imagine what youo are feeling right now and i hope you feel better real soon!

take sweetie n remember we r all here when u wanna talk ...

lots of luv n cuddles

sonia n family
Rest up lot's.

Home is best :hug: they sent me home the next day too, I think they were fedup of me fighting the corridor for a fag every 10 minutes but I needed to.

Thinking of you so much :hug:
its a terrible thing to go thru alone if u can face it try and have company, your other half is a gd start! :wink:
by the way can i ask where people get that huggin emoticon from?? I only havea box <--- there and it doesnt have tht on, am i missin somet?
:hug: :hug: erm.. opps... :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: 2 u babes xx
cant belive wat a dosey cow i am lol :hug: :hug: :think: :doh:
(((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: are being sent your way hun. Nothing i can say will make you feel any better but I have had this , what they call a "missed miscarriage" too and I really feel for you as i know how painful it is and it was like a bad dream for me. So sorry for your loss x
just seen this fruityloop but wanted you to know that i have been thinking of you and feeling for you, and still am. i hope your physical pain eases soon. always here for you hunny, so sorry again for your loss xx :hug:
:hug: so sorry for your loss, all our thoughts are with you... :hug: :hug: :hug:
only just read this post fruityloop, im so sorry for your loss, thoughts are with you. :hug: x

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