My angel baby


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Nov 13, 2012
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I miscarriaged my lil baby at 13 weeks just before my 3 month scan, it was heart breaking now, tomorrow would have been my due date and i just cant stop crying, i can even bring my self to come out of mu college dorm and go into my lectures, i just feel so terrible and dot know what i did to deserve this :( iust wat him/her back i want to hold them and tell the i love them but i never will be able to :(im so sorry im just so depressed and down right now i just need some support.
Hope your ok hun, I know it's easier said than done but try not to be too down. I suffered a mc last year and when it came to my due date I had a few days off work just to help me deal with it. Things do get easier. Xxx
So sorry for your loss I recently miscarried and I know I will struggle when it comes to the due date. Sometimes the best therapy is a good old cry. Are you thinking of trying again? Having something positive to focus on might help you through although youl never forget your little bean that didn't make it. Big hugs :hugs:xxx​
Oh LucieLou - sending you a virtual hug right now, due dates are very hard, but I found that I did feel better once the dreaded day had come and gone , like some sort of closure on the year of waiting for the date to come, so I hope you can too.. Have you thought about a special way to remember your angel, I waited till my due date to buy a special named rose (yellow one called sweet rememberance), it was the only rose on my due date that jumped out at me as it was so lovely in flower at the time, then I saw the name and it was the one for me. I planted it in my garden and I can see it anytime I wish, with forget me knots around it in the summer, it's a place just for me . I also let a pink and blue balloon go on the anniversary of the loss day too, I took pictures as they went up to the sky to my angel baby and I do it every year on mothersday as it was two days after my mc that year... something like this may help you remember your angel , whilst you can then still try to manage to carry on your daily life.

Keep talking about your feelings to us, we will support you and it really will help, like a pf theraphy, it did for me..
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Hi, I've had two this year, both at just before 12 weeks, so I have two due dates to contend with, 24th December and 24th May. However, the way I deal with it is by knowing there is nothing I could have done to change the outcome, e due date would never have been because the pregnancy was destined to end. That kind of sounds harsh I know, and believe me I miss my two babies and wish more than anything that this didn't happen to me, but I really couldn't have done anything at all to change the outcome, even as much as I wish I could.
Sending you hugs and I hope you're ok, take time to grieve and cry. I find a good old cry really helps xxx
I found doing a small memorial and having a cry helps I have a rose each for my two angels and I light a candle and play heavens got another angel tonight (you tube it's sad but comforting) and I think that talking really helps I talk to friends lots I'm currently preg again 6 weeks so naturally worried about outcome but trying to stay positive x

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