my 2ww following mmc


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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finnaly after 7 weeks my body is ovulating yesterday and this morning my lines where way darker than control and i have super strong ov pains :dance: never thought i would be so happy cos of ovulating :roll: but i am super possitive and superlines and mega pains i am taking as all gd signs this month is a gd month and all i can do is bd tonight tomoro n maybe sunday and we bd tuesday couldnt last night as dan was away in london grrr typical eh anywyas anyone wanna join me im taking today as dpo1 as got my mega line yesterday first, gd luck and baby dust to us all xxx
awww Jo, glad to see you all positive and happy again :)

hope you have a nice relaxed 2ww and obviously hope you get your BFP - you deserve it love!

well done to body getting back to normal too! :cheer: xxx
Did you actually have low temps and then the cm? I have had such an odd chart after my mmc. High and low temps alternating daily,then it dropped again and went up a daylater so I am hinking it was ov (I have sensitive breasts now too) but I can't tell, I had some lotiony cm I thk on the day ebfore the temp went up but none on other days. Now I have creamy lotiony like cm today which could be 4dpo or just anywhere in the cycle basically. What did you do to track it?
helen i dont do temping but last week i was hot a few times at night but that could be weather and my cm has been all over the place one day creamy next clear and so on, i have yet to have sore boobs i have had a few headaches just b4 i oved and my opks have been so eratic this past 2-3 weeks i just diodnt know if i was oving or not but i defo am now the line i got late last night was realy realy dark and come up b4 the control one did and the ov pains have been there all day today they have eased now so i think my little eggy is about to be released any time soon ;-) watch out dan lol thnx russel im trying to stay as calm as i can im not giving up my alcohol for my 2 ww either not that i drink a lot just friday or sat,im going to try my best to just put it all to bk of mind and i have zero preg tests i did this on purpose so i cant test unless i actualy think that maybe i am and not jsyt for the hell of it :-) xxx
Thnx rednurse I know am so chuffed and its so strong the ov pains and my opk line am hoping its a gd sign :-) dtd last night and this morning doing what I can lol pains gone now so am assuming eggy been let lose come on swimmers u can do it hehe xxx

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