My 16 week appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I posted this in my journal too...

Hi ladies,

I had the most wonderful appointment!

HB was lovely and strong (and easily detected!)

I had a consultant and a student in today, consultant was just filling in - they were both men :lol:

The consultant was amazing, he was Spanish and said he was so happy to see me as his patients are all high risk... My bloods from booking were fine, BMI and weight are great.

BP was a little high BUT he was fine with the second reading, wee was protein free so they have no issue with BP and I am still low risk.

I am back at hospital for scan in June, then nothing until 25 week appointment [that will be with GP] and then back for 28 week appointment at hospital.

Also he gave me my MATB1 (but has asked me not to date it until after I hit 20 weeks as this will invlaidate it!!)

Both consultant and student were lovely and friendly and I was really over the moon with my treatment. Consultant said he doesn't want to see me again though as he wants me to stay low risk LOL!

All in all I am over the moon... It's payday, it's sunny!!

And breath....

Thanks - I loved the male midwives, they were fab :lol:

Brilliant news all went well x just a quick question, did you get your 16 week appointment date at your booking appointment? my midwife didn't mention one just booked me in for 20 week scan.
Brilliant news all went well x just a quick question, did you get your 16 week appointment date at your booking appointment? my midwife didn't mention one just booked me in for 20 week scan.

Yep - I booked 16 week appointment at my booking in appointment and I booked my 28 week appointment today!

Yay that's awesome news! :) I have my first MW appointment this avo I hope it goes as good as your's did. How long did the whole appointment take? x
What a lovely read, made up for you hun xx
Yay that's awesome news! :) I have my first MW appointment this avo I hope it goes as good as your's did. How long did the whole appointment take? x

It took about 25 minutes in total :lol:

Great stuff, it's really nice when you feel you've been treated well xx

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Brillaint news Carnat, glad everything is going so well for you x
I just had my first MW appointment I felt so good afterwards, best appointment so far. Besides that scan :)
she was really informative and she got me to record the heartbeat on my phone so I could play it to my mum back in New Zealand-it was her idea not mine :)

Happy Friday everyone :)
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