mw app- scared :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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went to see MW today, LO still breech :wall:

but i'm not even as bothered about that anymore coz i'm more worried i may have pre-eclampsia, as i had protein in my urine, swelling in my legs and BP is high (well not HIGH high, but high for me- from 110/60 to 116/80)

i wasnt too worried until i got home and read my maternity notes. i didnt realise what protein indicated til i read the little note in there about it, and the MW had written "aware of signs of P.E." i thought 'actually, i'm not aware what it is!' so i went to read about it on the internet.

researching on the internet is always scaremongering, and i was certainly scared after i'd read a couple of articles on it!

one thing that disturbs me is i read one bit which specifically stated "upper abdominal pain, usually under the ribs on the right side" as a symptom- on my way home i had EXACTLY THIS, but i thought it was a stitch through walking (i'd been walking about 40 minutes). it happened when i was only about 20 metres from my front door, and disappeared when i got in, but i had to slow my pace right down. i'm wondering whether i should call the docs or the hosp and tell them? :think:

is it something i should really worry about? i'm frightened now, and getting a psychosomatic headache!

Hey there
Know exactly how you feel hun, I have got protein in my Urine aswell but she never said a word about it or even wrote anything down in my notes. My blood pressure is a little higher than usual too. Maybe I am just worrying too much cause she has left me feeling rather sh*t to be honest.
So to be honest I dont know what to suggest, just thought would let you know am going through similar situation and your not on your own hun :hug: :hug:
Sherry xx
LO still has time to turn honey.....

as for PE... it is good that they are monitoring it, try not to worry too much. She would have told you if you had anything to worry about?! :hug:
HI, hun

I dont post in this section very often but i thought i might ba able to put your mind at rest concerning baby beinbg breech!

Olivia was tranverse at 34 weeks ans she turned, the strange thing is that i didnt even feel her move back :shock:

AS for the prtien in your water, im certain your midwife would have said something to you if she was concerned!

Glad she is keeping keep an eye on it tho


Just in regard to the protein in your wee bit - I would guess that if the midwife had even a slight concern she would have raised this with you - cos lets face it people in the medical profession have to be sooo careful these days to cover their arses in case of getting sued. So i know its easy for me to say but do try not to worry about it. If the concern is giving you too much stress then call her and just make enquiries, i am sure she will soon put your mind at rest. :hug:
Ignore my post in the other thread...

Sorry LO still breech. :(

My BP is also a little higher than before and I have very swollen ankles, but no protein in my urine.

I thought they should send you for a test at the hospital if they think it might be pre-eclampsia.

I'd be tempted to phone your ante-natal department at the hospital if I were you.
thanx for all ur replies... :hug:

got hospital app next friday (18th) i hope she turns round b4 then and my symptoms disappear, but i wont get my hopes up so i wont be too disappointed if things dont improve.
looks less and less likely i'll get my home water birth! :wall:
oh hun i'm sorry... i don't really know what to say

is there no way there can turn her??

and with P.E i'm sure it will be fine... they will take car of it :hug:
BIG hugs trixipaws :hug:
Myself and my friend had traces of protein in our urine this time, it can simply be a sign of infection NOT pre-eclampsia, and as for 'high' BP, well it is common for pregnant ladies in the final trimester to have a raised BP simply because we are pregnant and have lots more blood to pump around, and the rib pain can be LO pressing on the liver, I get it myself. So, I would say please don't worry until there's a need if you can help it, and keep your feet up too, because if it is water retention that will help. Very best wishes, and I do hope LO turns soon for you too, but they are monitoring your symptons so that's great news, they'll find anything they need to sooner rather than later :hug:
I agree with the others that it's good they are monitoring you closely and checking for P.E signs. They are really hot on this during the last trimester (and really from 30+ weeks). They won't miss anything and if it was cause for concern they'd tell you asap!

Your BP reading isn't that bad. Maybe it's high for you but really it's not terrible. My BP was 180/110 when I was admitted with P.E.T. last pregnancy :shock:

There's lots of other signs they would pick up on too so don't read stuff online and get stressed. You are being checked and that's what matters. :)

I hope your baby turns for you. Mine is also breech. A homeopathic friend who does accupuncture told me today she has a home remedy to help the baby turn. If I find out what it is I'll let you know.

ooh thanx sabrina please do. i really dont fancy ECV it sounds a bit brutal! accupressure worked for my morning sickness so i'm optimistic about that kinda stuff.
I'd say try the acupuncture trixipaws, it gets very good results, also our hypnobirth practise has an 80% success rate with turning breech babies through hypnosis too, so another option if ECV isn't something you want, very best wishes :hug:

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