Must not google!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Arghhhhh! I've just posted this in my journal but there is more traffic here and I need instant cheering up and snapping out of this negitive mood and all you ladies are fab for doing that!!! :dance:

I completely scared myself last night by googling side effects of coming off the depo and read so many horror stories about women having nightmares with there cycles for up to 2 years after! One women, after getting AF back, had one cycle that lasted nearly 4 months before getting a visit from AF again!!!

It's been praying on my mind all day! I'm having visions of not having another AF for weeks/months now, although it should be due soon!

I've waited 7 months to get a period after coming of the depo and the reality of it is that the chance of my cycles being regular are very slim! Who knows when I might have another!!!!
Google is a definite NO NO lol... Hope your ok hunni :) xx
It took me over a year to start getting periods again after came off the depo. HOWEVER I do have PCOS and would of stayed on depo if wasn't TTC as it suppressed some of my symptoms ;)

Had no other side effects and I was on the depo for 4 years.
I was exactly the same when I came of Cerezette, I couldn't find anything positive to read and all I could find was people saying that it had ruined their cycles etc etc. But luckily my AF came back after about a month and I've had regular cycles ever since so it wasn't bad at all!

I just think that people are more likely to write bad things than write good things so that's why you can't ever find anything good!

I'm sure you will be fine. Good luck with TTC
there are probably just as many success stories after depo, but people don't report them as things are going well, people usually write on forums etc when things aren't going to plan, so this is all you end up reading when you search.......

I too found lots of horror stories of coming off Cerazette, but there are equal posts about people gettng cycles back straight aaya or even conceiving straight away etc. I came off Cerazette to ttc my dd and got af 5 weeks after stopping it and regular cycles after, so was pregnant 3 months after coming off.

Everyone is different, so just wait and see what happens to you :)
i had to have clomid after coming off depo after my first baby but luckily i only needed one cycle worth i think depo should be banned it realy does mess our bodies up hope ur body is bk to normal real soon xx
thanks girls, I just got myself really worked up and I realise that only bad experiences get wrote about, not good!
Hope you're feeling a bit better star, try not to get worked up- it's no good for you!

I don't have anything to add, the depo was never for me as I'm needle-phobic :sick:
I was on Cerazette for a few years and I came off that in October but have had irregular cycles ever since. I've now not had a cycle since february :/.

But I do have PCOS.

FX your cycles are regular and 'normal'.


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