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Murphys law uses me for target practice!:( UPDATE:Post 1


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Today I have been very uncomfortable. SPD is flaring and loads of sharp tummy pains.

Just got back to my flat and my son must have left the bathroom tap on this morning after brushing his teeth (he is only 5, so I should have checked!) :oops:

The sink is a little blocked, so its flooded. Been flooding since 8.30am! :shock:

covered the bathroom floor, into the hallway and into my living room (just the first two feet into my living room door!) :(

I just can't sope with aymore! Just got a taxi home from his nans as I am in pain and now have the flooding to contend with. Just hope it hasnt leaked into downstairs! :pray:

Lately, I feel like I must have been a wicked child. As the powers that be are laughing the t*ts off at me!!! :evil:

UPDATE: the girl from downstairs has just been up and it has flooded her bathroom. She said her decorationg doesnt seem damaged at the moment....I told her the pipe had come loose :oops: :fib:

Update 2: The girl who came up earlier must have been from another flat, as a guy just came up and said he lives directly below. He said his WHOLE flat is ruined and he is gonna take action against me. He said I have done it before but would not answer my door?????? He said he is not paying to redecorate all his flat again and I will have to.

I just cant cope!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sounds like you're having a tough day hun.

Hope you get it sorted-have you got someone to help you clear it up?-I know what a pain it is bending down with a bump in the way and with SPD as well you could do with some help. :hug:
Oh dear not the best of days :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It will get better, at least you caught the broken pipe :fib: :fib: when you did or the damage could have been a lot worse.
Charlie:-) said:
Oh dear not the best of days :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It will get better, at least you caught the broken pipe :fib: :fib: when you did or the damage could have been a lot worse.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Just lucky she didnt ask to have a look!! :rotfl:
I feel so bad to have lied...But money isn't geat and don't want to be forking out compo :oops:

Managed to mop it up with an old bed sheet and a mop and bucket. Used the sheet on my foot to avoid bending lol
What a nightmare! At least her decor not ruined so there's a plus point. Hope your sat with your feet up now resting :hug: :hug: xx
keep listening for her knocking the door to tell me its all started peeling!

She was in the year below me in junior school, so hopefully she will take pity on me :(
I would contact your insurance company asap. If the guy gets abusive about it, call the police. DO NOT accept responsibility. Some policies cover against accidental damage like this.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this hun. :hug:
Im so sorry your going though such a c*** time of it love
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hpe that man dosnt take action agianst you but is he trys it then i dont think you will have to pay out im sure hes must be covered by his own insurance dont expet liability its was an accident
for this and desent person would have taken pitty on you in your condition hes a meany man :twisted:

sarah :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww bless ya, i think i would have spent all day sobbing my eyes out if i was in your shoes.
I hope your back goes easy on you tonight and as for the flooding i would contact the insurance company and see what they can do, before the man downstairs starts ranting and raving at you.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you ladies.

This is a council block. And I am guessing most of us do not have insurance.

I have kept this flat so that my son can stay in his school and in turn still gets to stay at his dads. Now I wish I had moved in with my OH properly in Nuneaton. But then my boy couldnt spend some week nights with his dad.

I have never thought to have house insurance. I have silly things insured individually, like my laptop and my phone. But never my whole flat.

He stunk of alcohol. I think he was lying about last time, as my flat has never flooded before!

I have unblocked the sink as best I can and stick to my guns about the pipe. That way, the council will sort it for him. I know it seems bad, but just havent got the free finances right now to be able to admit liability.

What a nightmare :cry:
can you not turn off the water and pull out a pipe then call the insurance company xxx

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I dont have insurance and I dont suppose drunken man does either :(
If it's council owned then I guess the council would do the buildings insurance and you do the contents. I've only rented privately before but that's how it worked for us. Maybe contact the council or CAB?
I am going to see the concierge first thing in the morning. I will tell them what has happened and then see what happens.

Thank you for your messages ladies. Feel like a scab, not having insurance.

My life seems to be one thing after another :(

Oh well, what doesnt kill us, only makes us stronger :)
aww don't be silly, insurance is easily forgotton about by many of people especially when it another expense going out every month.
I'm sure it will all be fine hun, and like its been said any damage to the man downstairs and the council will sort it for him,
I think he was glad when a woman opened the door, as he would not listen to a word I was saying.

Never had any issue with a nieghbour before.

I am sure the council will get it sorted. Hoping anyway!

Thank you :)
If they're council flats i'd assume they will pay for damage to the flat.

Try not to stress, you've had so much going on and you dont need this now.

:hug: People like that love a "vulnerable" women, makes them seem the tough guy

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