Mums with 2 or more kids under the age of 3 - tips and advice needed!


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Apr 4, 2008
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I have a little boy who is going to be 2 tomorrow and also a baby boy who is 3 weeks old... Until now things haven't been too too bad, don't get me wrong, I am still knackered but OH has been on paternity leave and will be until the end of October. However he got a new job and will be travelling a lot now. And he will be away 3-4 days every week. How do you manage with 2 little ones? Going out? Putting the bigger one to bed? Cameron sometimes doesn't settle until 11 or midnight but Brandon needs to go to bed earlier. Cameron doesn't want to be left alone but at the same time Brandon wants me to stay with him until he falls asleep... What should I do? Also I can't imagine getting up at night every 2 hours with Cameron and then Brandon wakes up around half 6-7 in the morning... I am so scared... :roll: x
you'll find a way hun! i stuck to my old routine as much as possible with K, but i was lucky i was living at my mums at the time! do you have a bouncy chair? i found that to be my best friend! you could put baby in that and take him into your older son's room and just bounce him in that til his brother falls asleep! a lot of people would think i'm quite harsh, but i used to leave one of them to cry sometimes when i had to do something with the other! like, if i needed to bath K, i'd leave E in her bed where i knew she was safe and just try to block it out! sometimes needs must! have you tried leaving your older one to fall asleep by himself? i know the crying is horrible, but sometimes it can really help, and then get used to it quite soon! and going out does turn into a military operation, but it gets easier!
id def get the sleeptime technique done on the eldest befor hubby goes away so he is easily settled at night other than that no advice mine are 11yrs apart chin up hun oyur get sorted x
It's a tricky one, but you will find a way of juggleing it. I had 3 almost under three (well my eldest turned 3 two weeks before my last baby was born)

I would be harsh too, and I would take baby with me to read the older one a story and then say I was leaving before he fell asleep, so he had to do it himself. Then go downstairs with baby to carry on till later, he may cry to start with , but once he knows him crying or coming out of the room , will change the outcome, even if you have to go back in and put him back in bed,time after time for the first week, be consistant don't give in, even when your desperate , then he will soon learn and by the end of a week, he will be doing great. as your baby is three weeks now, he should't associate anything of this with babys arrival. Tiny babys are different to be honest and don't need to learn anything now, other than a routene.

Hang in there, it wil be worth it, for both of you actually.
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If I'm on my own to put them to bed I stick to Sam's routine as much as possible. It's easier now that Toby's in a routine too (or was until he started getting teeth :wall:) but I used to take Sam up to bed and feed Toby while I read to Sam - I used to stay until he fell asleep too but having Toby there and still awake never caused any problems. You soon get used to going out with two of them as well - I don't find it any harder than I did with just Sam (and it gets easier once you're not having to worry about stopping to feed a baby every couple of hours) x
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