Mums who had a C Section with their 1st baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Just thinking...
....yesterday was told that my baby was breech and if it didn't turn they would do a C section as it was my 1st. I know there is still plenty of time for it to turn so I'm not worried about that or really the thought of having a C section as long as the baby is safely delivered.

What does bother me slightly is about my cousin's c section. Because her body didn't go through the natural birth process it took her body longer to produce milk. Is this normal? How long after your C section did you start producing milk normally, like someone who had pushed the baby out? It would worry me if I didn't have milk to feed the baby and wouldn't particularly like to use formula.
I had a caesarean and am successfully breastfeeding. I had colostrum, but only the tiniest amount at first. She was on a drip due to complications at her birth (emergency delivery) then we got her onto formula while I started expressing to get my milk coming. By the time we went home a 5 days she was exclusively breastfeeding and is putting on plnty of weight.
I had an emergancy c-section and although I had problems feeding at first it wasn't because of my milkn not coming in quickly enough but because Grace had trouble latching on.

You milk usually comes in day later with a c-section it isn't a problem for your baby...

Good luck - Breast feeding is the most wonderful feeling and although it can be difficult at times it is well worth it
I had an emergency section with my 1st baby and I successfully breastfed for 4 months and my body produced colostrum the day after I had him
It took my milk about two days to come in,and before that i was producing loads of colostrum.If yours takes a while to come,you should maybe ask to use the milk bank at your hospital.
I had a planned section, baby was transverse. My milk was very very slow at coming in, I took milk plus tablets that I got at the baby show, these did help a bit, i breast fed for 9 weeks, having another section in february, all the best, x
I had tons of colostrum before having Aaron but I hate to say it, my milk never came in. My boobs were a bit firm but that was it, I barely even leaked. I used about 4 breast pads after having Aaron and they had a dot on it!
i produced colostrum in good amounts at first but then it seemed to dry out...then came back...but unfortunately baby wouldn't latch on and no matter how many midwives and nurses tried to help...they tired very quickly and they didn't seem as eager to help after a few tries...which upset me cos i really wanted to breast feed...ended up extracting milk for about a month.

then gave up



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