Mums of 2 or more...


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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How did you find the transition from one child to 2? It hasnt worried me up until now, but with just 2 weeks to go until my due date, it has started to play on my mind a little. I know how all consuming a new baby can be, so inevitably Im a little concerned how I will find time for my son. I know we will grow into it and find ways to adapt, but I mean especially in the early days. When you are completely strung out and have a baby hanging off your boob for the majority of the day and night, its difficult to find time to eat and dress, let alone finding time to organise our lives and make sure my son feels involved. The last thing I wanna do is make him feel pushed out or like I dont have time for him, but at the same time I wanna give the new baby the same love and attention I gave my first born, as if she IS the only child.

I also know how important our routine is to us on a daily basis to get through everything that needs to be done, so Im concerned this will go out the window with a baby demanding all the time. Its not like I will be able to sleep when the baby sleeps this time, I will still have my son to look after. Its the little things like getting my son ready for nursery on time, and keeping his bedtime as normal as possible, obviously these things are going to be disrupted at some point or another but how do I maintain the normality?

I guess the reality has just hit me that in a couple of weeks Im gonna have 2 kids!!! AAARRRGGHHHH!!!! :shock:
Going from 1 to 2 I found really easy. I did have quite a big age gap though (5 years) so maybe that made it easier but I just never had any problems at all. Going from 2 to 3 though thats another story.
I found going from one to two easy too! but I had a really small age gap of 10.5 months! I even found going from 2 - 3 easy! But this time, there will be a nearly 7 year gap and Im more worried! I had my first 3 in 2.5 years so they were all babies together! I didnt have to worry about school initially etc so I do think that made it easier!
I found it really hard at first. I didn't expect it to be hard, but for about 2 or 3 weeks after the birth I really struggled. I think I had a touch of baby blues so that didn't help, but I really felt exhausted and felt like I was going to crack up.

But it got better. After 2 months things were much better. Now it's totally normal lol.

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