Mummies of both a drip & a non-drip induced labour/birth


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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A question for Mummies who've had both a drip induced labour/birth AND a non-drip induced labour/birth, please could you tell me how different the contractions felt for you, namely at the pushing stage, was there any significant difference? Thankyou in advance for any experiences shared :hug:
Hi hun!

I had gel induction at 40w +1day which brought about intense contractions (2mins apart and lasting nearly 1min each) within 2 hours.

I won't be able to help much with the rest because I had to have the epidural after a few hours of that! After the epidural I had the drip to strengthen the contractions, and they turned up the rate of the drip every hour or so. I couldn't feel the contractions very well at the pushing stage because of the epi. But Maia's position remained very high even after an hour of pushing, hence the c-section!

Is that at all helpful? :)
I didn't have the drip to help my labour with Tia...I did after to get my placenta out...but that was after. I remember that I got the urge to push with Tia even with my epi...although she was in distress it was very calm although that might have been the epi...

With lil miss, she got into an awkward position, and she wasn't pushing on my cervix and my contractions were incredibly strong just short so weren't effective in helping me dilate.. They put the drip in and I begged them not to until I had my epi...which I never got... I remember going from having contractions to all out constant pain and never getting the urge to push at was by far worse imo... but I'm pretty sure things went horribly wrong at the end but because I was totally out of it, lying on my back on the bed, not allowed to move and had no pain relief...I really don't know...All I know was i was moved to the emergency birthing room real quick at the end and I was 5 cms when the drip was put in and 10cm a few minutes later... :roll:
i went into labour naturally but at the pushing stage was given the drip to make my contractions more intense.. my labour came on really quickly, my contractions didn't get really painful until about 7am, went into hospital about half 9, was 8-9cm dilated, gave birth at 1:46pm because i couldn't push him out though.

the contractions were agony when they were coming naturally, but when i was put on the drip it was like torture :( i can remember being able to tell when they turned the drip up because it made them so much worse, that combined with pushing was the worst pain in the world :wall: i didn't have any pain relief though, i kept asking for something but they said no, your almost there (for 3 hours :wall:)

hope that helps xxx
Thankyou for the responses ladies, its really appreciated :hug:
I just know how different for me the contractions felt with Isaac pre and post drip induction, and I'm just hoping that I don't have to have any intervention this time, as I felt so much happier and relaxed without the drugs. However, I cannot say what the latter stage is like without drugs as I've never done it, so I'm thinking positively that naturally the contractions are much more manageable and enjoyable, in a getting closer to meeting baby way, unlike my first experience, as that lead to the epidural because I couldn't do more than a few hours with those contractions, and I'd like to think naturally I could have found it a more positive experience.
Thankyou again :hug:
Redshoes said:
because I couldn't do more than a few hours with those contractions, and I'd like to think naturally I could have found it a more positive experience.
Thankyou again :hug:

Yes I tend to think that too, although I am chickening out and having a planned section if I'm lucky enough to have another baby!
:hug: Hellokitty :hug: we're both very aware how things can go down hill, and I think choice is a very important factor for recovery after birth, when labour goes in an opposite direction to what you'd have liked, you can beat yourself up about it for a long, long time, and I just know this time around I actually care less as to how LO is born. I'm sad I do feel that way but I also feel humbled after Isaac's birth experience in knowing you can only have the birth you get, and so you should be prepared for any eventuality. My dearest wish is for baby and me to be home the same night she's born, with Daddy and Isaac, no matter how or where she's born, no intervention would be bliss, but I'm not going to let it get me down this time should it not be the case again :D

Thankyou again everyone :)

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