

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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How many of you ladies are still taking supplements in tri 2?

I've been using Sanatogen mum to be, plus omega 3.

Just realised that folic acid is recommened for 1st 12 weeks. Is it ok to keep taking it.
I'm not great at remembering it every morning, but I figured the Multi-vits, were a good thing, so I still don't want to eat particularly brilliantly.

Continue to take it. They are designed to be taken through TTC, Pregnancy and B-feeding :)

I took mine throughout my pregnancy with AJ and will do this time too. x
I'm taking Pregnacare, it says that you can take them throughout your pregnancy and breast feeding.
So that's what I'm doing. I'm in Tri3 already and not always manage to balance my diet so I'm sure vitamins are
good to support our growing babies.
I'm taking the tesco pregnancy vits, which u can take all the way through pregnancy and b'feeding. I always take it with my dinner so I don't forget xx
I take the pregnacare with added omega 3, desgned to take throughout pregnancy. Folic acid is still recommended throughout pg as it aids in red blood cell formation so is important for babies
Both MW and doctor told me not to bother with vitamins, but after I stopped folic acid after 12 weeks I was starting to worry baby wasn't getting enough nutrients as I find it very difficult to eat healthily because of nausea. So I went ahead and got some Pregnacare for some peace of mind.
I have my dinner then Pip has hers!! Started calling Pip "her" cos it's been "him" for 7 weeks (since we found out we were pregnant) and we have 7 weeks till we find out what sex baby is so I'm callin Pip "she" so I don't feel guilty if it is a girl!

Strange I know but thats me all over!!
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Having had three pregnancies and only taking vits all the way through this pregnancy I totally recommend taking them all the way through. I've not needed any iron tablets at all and I'm 31 weeks tomorrow, my midwife was very impressed given that I had to take 3 a day with my daughter and 2 a day with my son! She said whatever I'm doing is working well and keep up with it :)

I've just taken the original Pregnacare tablets. My iron levels were well within the norm for 28 weeks when I last had it checked. I've not felt dizzy or anything. I was recommended to take them this time due to problems in my last pregnancy and they suspected I had caught a virus that effected him. My immune system is pretty crap so they thought this would help stop me getting every bug going and it really has helped :)
thanks everyone. My sanatogen doesnt actually say on it anything about when to take it. So i just wanted to double check.

I switched form Pregnacare cos it didnt seem to have calcium in it - and thats one thing ive always lacked - cant stand milk etc.


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