mucus plug?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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last night i went to the loo and when i wiped there was what looked like greeny whitish gunge on the tissue(so sorry if tmi!!!!)
the last couple of times iv been to the loo its been this on the tissue.
is this the mucus plug? and how long til im in labour if it is?
im already 6 days HAS to be the sooo fed up now!!!! :(
i dont kno sorry i'm a first-timer too- hope this is it 4 u tho :hug:
iv just been to the loo again and there was even more!
iv just been havin alook on google and i fount this ... 04317.html

iv been havin the low stomach pains all day..oh my god i really think this is the beginning! iv thought it before but this time i really think it is :? if that makes sense! haha
oh my god , im so nervous!!
il keep u posted :)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck amylou- sounds like this is it :cheer:
Wow how exciting, good luck and i hope you have a great labour.
Best of luck hun hope things have started.
oooo good luck.. my plug was like 1st beginigns of period.. browny mucus..and then i thought i was leaking a bit.. so i decided to walk to town (2 miles) and when there my mum rang my mobile told me to come over for tea.. so i went round town (was with a friend) got some bits and bobs then got the bus back to my mums (she lived round the corner at the time from my house) and tea was ready.. nice lamb dinner yum.. i got up after food to go to the toilet and stood on bottom step of the stairs and gush!! my shoes were filled with my waters.. ran to the toilet.. leavign a trail of water behind me lol.. just sat on the toilet thinking.. thank heavens i decide to get the bus back or i would be in the middle of walking back right now.. and soacked lol!! contractions didnt start till the enxt night though.. and had to start them off by walking up steps 2 at a time.. but she finaly arrived the day after. all healthy..
Sounds like your in early labour, good luck and have a great labour!

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