MrsNumsNums labour watch**

Not heard anything yet, just texted her to see how she's getting on. Hope she's in the middle of things now after all the waiting and not knowing she's had to do this week.
Just had a text update saying...nothing happening x
Considering this is her second induction I think it's safe to say that, that's one stubborn baby she's having! I feel so bad for her x
Awwwww no. I hope they can shift bubs soon, she must be so fed up!
Aww bless, one very stubborn baby in there x
Nope, I texted her back after she texted me to say nothing had happened and so far no reply :(
Just had this text.... hi ladies, Unfortunately nothing has happened yet. Yesterday they went to take me to the labour ward for drip and the senior consultant over ruled the decision just as I started getting taken down.

They think my cervix isn't ready and that I'd be in labour for hours and prob end of having a cs. So they tried the propess pessary again yesterday to try and change my cervix enough for drip. So far I've not had any pains or symptoms and will be examined again at 11.

Very fed up for being here and all the changes. Just want to meet little one now! Thanks for all the support. X
Hi ladies, just had this text.... Been examined. Nothing happened to cervix with pessary. Bishops score is 3, needs to be at least 6 to be able to progress naturally. Midwife is going to speak to registrar who will see me later and tell me their next plan xx

Can't believe nothing is happening still, I would be climbing the walls by now.
Oh love her! The frustration must be awful! I really hope it speeds up for her.
How frustrating. Hope something happens sooner or later for her. x

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