Hi again
I have been feeling my baby move and kick for a few weeks now, my OH cant feel it yet tho, as they are only little ones, not very strong.
I have noticed for the past week that the movements have really quietend down, hardly anything in evening, but thats when he/she was most active before.
I know the baby is ok coz i have a doppler so i have listened in to teh heartbeat and its still very loud and strong.
I was wondering if anyone else had this happen to them?
and when will they pick back up again??
I have been feeling my baby move and kick for a few weeks now, my OH cant feel it yet tho, as they are only little ones, not very strong.
I have noticed for the past week that the movements have really quietend down, hardly anything in evening, but thats when he/she was most active before.
I know the baby is ok coz i have a doppler so i have listened in to teh heartbeat and its still very loud and strong.
I was wondering if anyone else had this happen to them?
and when will they pick back up again??