

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Ladies, has anyone noticed around 28 weeks less movements?
I was always at work before and always very busy. So when i came home on an evening after tea i would notice loads of movements.
Now im off work i have felt less movements.
I phoned the hops last mon who saw me the same day, i was on the monitor for 1.5 hours, the midewife had to get another midwife to check and then the doctor, who agreed in the end i could go home.
I dont want to be back and forth to the hosp every week sounding like a paronid wreck.
She was moving quite abit last night so not sure if due to me finishing work and resting more lo might have changed her movements or maybe im just expecting to feel it more cos im resting??

Sorry for big essay xxxx
I did notice a difference at 28 weeks, they have another growth spurt. Like u say, u may notice it more now u r resting. Don't be worried about sounding like a paranoid wreck, it's better to be there every week if ur worried about her movements than not go and somethin be wrong xx
I did notice a bit of a decrease might be best to get checked anyway especially if the had to get so many people to check you last time. In my area if you go in twice with reduced movment they give you an extra scan, which really but my mind at ease (I did not know this before I went in ad my mum suggested I just did it for an extra scan) xx
i had a decrease / change in movement pattern at 28 weeks and 30 weeks as well.
Shes moved loads today so im ok for now. I think it will have something to do with me not being at work. Ill defo be going back if im not happy, esspecially after my mw told me a story bout a woman who didnt go in and her baby died. :( xxx
As long as you feel at least 10 movements in 24 hours, then all is probably fine. I know it's worrying though, I've had the same worry and ended up ringing hospital to be monitored too. Now I've just accepted that he's very cramped and that's why he's more quiet, but I still get the 10+ movements, so that keeps me happy :)
I have days where baby is v quiet. Always more than 10 movements but quieter than other days.

I find it quite unnerving at times but it's almost as soon as I pick up the phone to ring the baby starts moving again.

It's playing me for a fool I think lol
I had very quiet days with mia, always more than 10 a day tho.
Even when I was in labour, they said she was very lazy. But shes perfectly healthy.
I think once you have a minimum of 10 movments a day its nothing to wprry bout hun. xxx
Ladies, has anyone noticed around 28 weeks less movements?
I was always at work before and always very busy. So when i came home on an evening after tea i would notice loads of movements.
Now im off work i have felt less movements.
I phoned the hops last mon who saw me the same day, i was on the monitor for 1.5 hours, the midewife had to get another midwife to check and then the doctor, who agreed in the end i could go home.
I dont want to be back and forth to the hosp every week sounding like a paronid wreck.
She was moving quite abit last night so not sure if due to me finishing work and resting more lo might have changed her movements or maybe im just expecting to feel it more cos im resting??

Sorry for big essay xxxx

Hello there It's ok as long as he/she moves more then ten times in the day if less than that, then you need to go back to the hospital.
yeah hun they start to get into the sleeping and waking patterns for when they are born, My lo is really active some days and other days he's not, you could always try lying on your side for a while and a cold drink to see if that starts them moving, lo stopped moving all together the other day and i had a huge glass of iced water and he was fine after about 10 mins just dont stress and i'm sure everything is fine! xxx
Thanks ladies, after her little kicking performance last night all is fine. xxx

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