Movements/quickening ??


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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Hi I posted this in Tri 1 and was advised to put in Tri 2, im sure there will be a thread already made but im at work so thought it would be easier just to make one that i can keep check of.


Im 13+3 weeks and keep getting funny feeling in my belly, im convincing myself that its just wind because my 1st scan isnt until next tues so my pregnancy is a guestimate from my LMP.
Since its my first im not really sure what the 1st movements would feel like, i know what a bubble of wind feels like and this is different, is it possible to feel something this early and with it being the 1st child too? its not like butterflys which is what i expected, it is litterally like a bubble popping inside me, i think i would describe wind it would be as bubbles moving upwards but this just feels like it doesnt move anywhere jut kind taps or bursts in the same place in a matter of seconds.... im just waffling now though.....
anyway if anyone has felt the same or any advice about the first movements and what to look for and when to expect them would be great

thanks xx
Sounds like early flutters to me! If it feels a little different to wind, when your relaxed, and very low down it probably is baby, I got flutters around 13 weeks altho second baby for me. A lot of women don't feel anything or realise till much later but we're all different and some people are more in tune with their bodies than others, plus some babies are positioned differently so makes it easier or harder to feel. They also say it's easier to feel if your very slim but this isn't always true either! I would describe it as a little tickle, that becomes a stronger tickle as the weeks go on! In a couple of weeks you will realise if it was or wasn't the baby as you will notice it more and more, that's what confirmed it for me as I wasn't def sure to begin with either!
I felt few little flutters at 13weeks and some bursting bubbles at 13weeks 4days...Now I'm 16 weeks and barely feel anything. Sometimes i feel very very gentle flutters or strange feeling when i sit leaning forward but they're very rare...Can't wait till I feel more of my baby:))) P.S this is my first pregnancy too so it's hard to know exactly.:))
Def sounds like early flutters, i was getting them quite a lot so we bought a doppler and guaranteed whenever i felt the movement the doppler came out and the heartbeat was found in seconds on top of the movement!! I still do it now but the movements are much more fluttery and obvious now.. still good to put the doppler on so you know exactly where the bub is lying! :D

i just bought a doppler on Friday and its amazing! we can find the heartbeat straight away and its pretty noticable when i can feel the lump where it is haha, when i had the doppler on it was so strong and then it just faded, i prodded my tummy and the lump had moved much further back.... is this all normal stuff, im not worried about not finding it because i heard it can be difficultsometimes but for some reason i assumed the uterus was stuck in one place all the time and thats it, it just grew bigger and bigger, but i find the little lump moving from one side to the other..... Am i actually feel the uterus or is it a floating organ or even worse could it just be my bowels??
i just bought a doppler on Friday and its amazing! we can find the heartbeat straight away and its pretty noticable when i can feel the lump where it is haha, when i had the doppler on it was so strong and then it just faded, i prodded my tummy and the lump had moved much further back.... is this all normal stuff, im not worried about not finding it because i heard it can be difficultsometimes but for some reason i assumed the uterus was stuck in one place all the time and thats it, it just grew bigger and bigger, but i find the little lump moving from one side to the other..... Am i actually feel the uterus or is it a floating organ or even worse could it just be my bowels??

hmm sorry i cant really help, i just go on where i feel the flutters i am abit wary about prodding and poking because i dont really know which bits which i would hate to prod the baby! the doppler was def one of the best things i have bought though!!! :) xx
Yeah sounds normal, my baby moves away from the Doppler too, apparently it can annoy them thats why they move away then you can't hear so much, so I just do it every now and then. The uterus grows up and up and by about 20 weeks you can feel the top of it in line with your belly button. At about 13 weeks it will prob be about an inch above your pubic bone, you might be able to feel the top of it, I think it feels like a ridge!
It probably is your uterus you're feeling, but it wont actually be your uterus moving. It'll just be LO pushing against different parts of it. Totally normal :) That's how I know where my little girl's laying now :) As for sometimes hearing LO, sometimes not... I got a doppler the other day and can take a while to find her, Or sometimes straight away. All depends on how they're laying.

Not sure about movement. I didn't really feel flutters as such, more like pokes coming from the inside that gradually got harder. :/ x
i felt mine at 14weeks :) xxx

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