Funny feelings??


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Over the past 2 days I've been having funny feelings in my tummy where it feels like a fish is swimming in me ? :lol: and sometimes it feels like I have a weight in there and it's being pulled down? Now is this

A) First baby movements?
B) My imagination?
C) Wind?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very wierd feeling! But didn't think I would feel anything ofr weeks yet? Anyone else had similar feelings?
Now, the weight thign I think I know what you mean, at night sometimes when I'm breathing it feels tight across the bottom of my tummy like i'm wearing an elastic belt or something, suspect it's the same reason - that everything's a bit stretched and nowhere left for things to move. But the fish thing, nope, don't know what you mean - could be wind I guess but I reckon baby. If you're quite skinny then you're likely to feel movement earlier, no reason it shoudlnt' be that hon.
I just started feeling bubs yesterday and can only describe the feeling as that of a fish swimming around :D I can only assume that the feeling I am having is bubs so sure yourz will be too :dance:

Im not sure about the weight feeling..havent had that yet :doh:
I recognise both these feelings. The fish swimming one sounds like it could well be your baby :dance: I felt at 14 weeks but it took a few times for me to definitely rule out wind... in fact it was about another 2 weeks before I was convinced it definitely was baby and not just my lunch :lol:
The swimming fish I would say could well be baby movements. The pulling sensation I get a lot too, and I've just put it down to either stretching or braxton hicks :hug:
sounds like you could be feeling baby, i felt the same thing round about 14 weeks too, now i feel real kicks, isn't it so amazing :cheer:
i have those. I think its baby movements.

It feels like something is doing somersaults inside me
Glad it's not just me then!! :lol: It's a weird but wonderful feeling! Now I can't wait for the little twinges and kicks to start!! :D :D

Think I may have a wannabe footballer in me if s/he is starting this early! :D :rotfl:
Hey hun - everyone is different. If you have never felt it before, then it could very well be movement. I felt both my babies move at a very early stage, about 11 weeks. People shook their heads knowingly and said "wind" - but when I told my SIL (who has five kids) she said, yes it could very well be.

So it could indeed be baby. It does feel a little bit like that, or like a little butterfly in there trying to get out - flutterings.

Hope it IS movement *HUG* great feeling isn't it?

kim83 said:
Over the past 2 days I've been having funny feelings in my tummy where it feels like a fish is swimming in me ? :lol: and sometimes it feels like I have a weight in there and it's being pulled down? Now is this

A) First baby movements?
B) My imagination?
C) Wind?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very wierd feeling! But didn't think I would feel anything ofr weeks yet? Anyone else had similar feelings?
The swimming movements could be the baby. I feel that often too. I normally describe it as butterflies, though. I also feel the odd tap tap on my uterus and that's the baby kicking :wink:

The weight could be round ligament stretching. I get that so often. Don't worry about it. It's normal as your uterus needs to stretch in order for the baby to fit in as it grows :D

I hope this helped.

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