Movements help !


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Sep 12, 2015
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From: <[email protected]>
Date: 15 December 2016 at 11:00:10 GMT
To: <[email protected]>

Hey Everyone

Please help and give me any tips!!

So the midwife said I should be tracking movements know from 25 weeks and that if the babies pattern changes/I don’t notice any movement I would need to call the hospital to checked out.

I am trying not to stress to much about to but wondered if you count kicks (which I understand is the old method) or count pattern movements. It would be a lot easier to count kicks!

The baby usually moves in the morning and at night when I am on the sofa (I probably don’t notice it during day as I am working although I am just sat at my desk). So yesterday, the baby moved in the morning, but didn’t move in the night so I was getting worried, however it then decided to move at 4.30 in the morning and kept me awake kicking me!!

Should I be worried that it didn’t follow a pattern or as long as I had lots of movement at 4.30 this is ok? I listened to the heartbeat on my doppler before I went to bed and it was around 145 which is the same reading as the midwife got on the Monday I had my appointment.

I was exhausted yesterday and went to bed early so could that be a reason why the baby didn’t move much because I was tired?!

I thought I was over the worrying stage but I hate it all being on me to track movements! I can see that I will be at the hospital wanting to check!

Many thanks


25 weeks is pretty early to be told to monitor movements. A lot of babies don't seem to be in much of a pattern yet by then and it's still easy for them to get into a position that you can't feel them kick even if they are. If you were really worried it never hurts to get checked but it sounds like not feeling anything for a while is still normal for you so try not to get too stressed about the exact timing.
Thanks! I know I thought that it was strange when she said it to me as when I went for my 16 week appt she said hat I may not feel anything until 25/26?!!! Xxxx
I read 28 weeks they ask you to keep an eye on movements seems a bit early don't think they suggest counting kicks anymore tho but I could be wrong
I wasn't told to keep an eye on movements until 35 weeks but I would have noticed before that if things changed drastically.
My midwife said to start taking notice from 23 weeks as they will try to keep baby alive from 23 weeks! She said that it's not so much how many movements in a day but more to monitor times when baby is most and least active and alert them if this changes or the activity level changes.. I think tracking movements is stressful and so hard if your baby does not follow a pattern! I think as long as when baby is active it feels the same intensity and duration and movements then all should be ok, it's if this level of activity changes of all of a sudden a definate routine changes, basically anything you feel is different! With Harrison he had no pattern! Xx
I was told 26 weeks and not to count kicks. Id say if your ever worried u should call.
It's worth feeling out for movements from early on because if you hadn't felt anything by 24 weeks, you'd need to get checked out. Your baby should have established a pattern by 28 weeks, but if you haven't been paying attention to them before this, you might miss any changes

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