move that so i can get my mother through


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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yeateday i met my friend in the library for a cuppa and whilst sat there a man and a woman came to the door with an elderly lady in a wheel chair. They seemed to be struggling with the door and the chair so i got up and asked if i could assisst them. They refused and shut the door.
Minutes later the door opened again and a flustered trio began again to get in the door. I ignored them this time.
Anyway the woman came in and looked at me and Baby budge in her pushchair and said to me '' Could you move that so i can get my mother in?'' In a really haughty voice.
I stared at her and said ''THAT is my daughter and if you say please i might move her''

The woamn just looked and said ''well please then''

So i moved baby budge. The woman stormed in with the wheelchair and knocked baby budge with her bottom and caught her coat on the handle bars tipping it over. :shock:
The silly cow never even apologised.

I decided to leave to avoid an ugly scene. BUT aren;t some people so fooking ignornat. Particulalry older people. Then they are the ones who turn round and say ''the youth of today'' :x

Make me so mad
:shock: :shock:

How rude is that. I've had this happen before when you see someone struggling and ask if they need help, but you get a funny look or comment from them.

I think you did well leaving to avoid a scene, my head would have exploded
other people in the cafe were just amazed and just shook their heads at her. :roll:
sometimes you just have to walk away. i don't think she even realised she was so rude. it was probably her normal behaviour which was scary/
Thats just not on :evil: I seriously would have gone ballistic about the buggy tipping over.
natalie&jake said:
Thats just not on :evil: I seriously would have gone ballistic about the buggy tipping over.

yeah and baby was sleeping too :(
she was just a rude old woman - i couldn't be bothered to argue with her. my husband went mad at me though when i told him last night for not having a go at her :(
Some people aren't happy unless they are moaning or complaining about something. I would have stayed very calm and said to them "do you realise how rude you are being to me and my child. You have made a show of yourself infront of the whole cafe". They would have felt so embarrassed they would maybe think twice before doing it again. My OH is excellent at making people look silly when they are being rude.

I agree she probably didnt even think or realise she was being rude!

Abit off topic but was out with my sister and nephew at weekend and Im not great at driving her bulky travel system :oops: and this man came in on a scooter type wheel chair the aisle was too narrow and we both struggled to get by but he was so nice and joked with me whole situation made me think I should try and be more considerate to people in buggies and other such devices that make getting round difficult in the future its so easy to be frustrated at having to slow up or not being able to get by did me good being on the other end for a change!
That is shockig, poor baby budge, she could have been hurt!

I think i would have done the same as you to aviod an arguement, if it was my DH he would have lost!

I dont understand why people are so ignorant!

Im glad baby buge is ok
:shock: WOW Well done budge :clap:

While I would love to resond as Lou said, I probably would have lost it completely if anyone knocked my baby over :twisted:
:hug: it was good that you kept your cool and did the right thing, i dont think i could have. I would have probably gone granny bashing! :x
very rude i would have been fuming too. i kick myself but like you wouldn't want to make a scene but that doesn't make it right. :wall:
OMG i would have slapped her face! :twisted:
stupid old witch
hope baby budge is ok :hug:
:shock: wow what a rude cow she was, i would of had o of said some thing...or hit her...well done for keeping calm - :hug:
Don't get me started!!! :evil:

I work in a shop and the amount of rude people out there is quite alarming. I have in the past ask a customer to repeat what they have said until I get a please. I have told customers not to be so rude (have got away with it, but I say it nicely) when they speak to me in a rude way.

That was so rude what happened to you, well done for keeping calm :)
yup defo.

some old man looked at me other day with disgust and shaking his head. all i was doing was pushing emily in her pram like normal mothers do. think he thought im not old enough to have a baby but im like 27 ffs lol.

today walking through town i came to a curb where it slops down , easy for wheelchairs buggys etc and some old man parked there and he saw me and didnt move wondered why i was stood there. was a tiny area i could get teh buggy down and it nearly tipped over cause it was overfilled BUT i said f*ck sake why do people park there. took photo but not sure if its good to see it . will try soon.
ignorant old b*stards.

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