yeateday i met my friend in the library for a cuppa and whilst sat there a man and a woman came to the door with an elderly lady in a wheel chair. They seemed to be struggling with the door and the chair so i got up and asked if i could assisst them. They refused and shut the door.
Minutes later the door opened again and a flustered trio began again to get in the door. I ignored them this time.
Anyway the woman came in and looked at me and Baby budge in her pushchair and said to me '' Could you move that so i can get my mother in?'' In a really haughty voice.
I stared at her and said ''THAT is my daughter and if you say please i might move her''
The woamn just looked and said ''well please then''
So i moved baby budge. The woman stormed in with the wheelchair and knocked baby budge with her bottom and caught her coat on the handle bars tipping it over.
The silly cow never even apologised.
I decided to leave to avoid an ugly scene. BUT aren;t some people so fooking ignornat. Particulalry older people. Then they are the ones who turn round and say ''the youth of today''
Make me so mad
yeateday i met my friend in the library for a cuppa and whilst sat there a man and a woman came to the door with an elderly lady in a wheel chair. They seemed to be struggling with the door and the chair so i got up and asked if i could assisst them. They refused and shut the door.
Minutes later the door opened again and a flustered trio began again to get in the door. I ignored them this time.
Anyway the woman came in and looked at me and Baby budge in her pushchair and said to me '' Could you move that so i can get my mother in?'' In a really haughty voice.
I stared at her and said ''THAT is my daughter and if you say please i might move her''
The woamn just looked and said ''well please then''
So i moved baby budge. The woman stormed in with the wheelchair and knocked baby budge with her bottom and caught her coat on the handle bars tipping it over.

The silly cow never even apologised.
I decided to leave to avoid an ugly scene. BUT aren;t some people so fooking ignornat. Particulalry older people. Then they are the ones who turn round and say ''the youth of today''

Make me so mad