Mothers Day


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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What are your plans for sunday & what have you bought your lovely mums :)

On sunday i have a family christening to go to & my mum will be going to :)

I got my mum perfume this year - 100ml kim kardashian & ordering her flowers on friday to be delivered at her's late saturday afternoon :)

I had a card personilised so it has my own little verse & special message all typed out nicely & i got her a lovely little roset that says no1 mum which i am going to make her wear on sunday :)

Wonder what i will get this year from dh :oooo: lol!!!

Last mothers day from my daughter & son who i lost during pregnancy - i got a lovely card & bunch of roses :) lovely thing that dh done for me. This mothers day my daughter i lost would be 4yrs old & its fell on mothers day ( of all days ) :(

What are your plans this sunday girls ?

No plans, not seen my mother for 5 years. Have a lovely day :) x
This mothers day will be the best yet for you Star!! :)

I will be giving my mum flowers and cooking for my sister who is a single parent and doesn't get much time off.

Secretly hoping OH will do something nice but not expection anything...

Vikki - Sorry to hear that - am sure you have your reasons though. 14 days till your baby is due awwww. xx

Tara - I finally feel i can fit in on mothers day lol - my 1st mothers day that i can say for definate i will be a parent eek! Sadley though its my little girls birthday who i lost at 14wks in pg - her birthday has fell on mothers day this year - well mothers day has fell on her birthday. She would be 4 so where going the cemetery saturday morning - as i have a christening to go to on mothers day too. So that will keep me occupied. Aww thats lovely of you cooking for your sister :) Throw some hints to you OH what you would like LOL. xx
My Mum has made us all promise we'll not buy her anything???

I have got a lovely card and I'll pick up a nice plant or something for her....

We're having a big family roast, which my Mum is cooking (she suggested it!!)

It will be a trial run for Christmas as it's my parents turn to host this year.....

There will be 13 or 14 of us on Sunday!

I feel bad that I am not able to tell them that by Christmas this year there is most likely going to be one more little person around :shock: :shock:

I'll tell them all soon enough

:hugs:Lovely that you will be doing something special on your daughters birthday honey.

Its my mums birthday on St Patrick's day, which is obv the day before Mothers Day - and I've organized for her and my dad to go away for a spa weekend from Fri - Sun for her birthday.
She said not to get her anything for mothers day because the weekend away was enough, but I'll most probably get her a house plant or something.

I'm also secretly hoping that my OH isn't a douche and gets me a card from the bump. If he doesn't, I will fight with him!

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I'm planning on telling my Mum that I'm pregnant on Sunday :D Should be a nice surprise for her. Apart from that it was her birthday last Saturday so I bought her a voucher for a hot stone massage which she has booked in for Wednesday coming so thats a joint birthday and Mothers Day pressie :)
I have bought tickets for me and my Mum to go and see the stage version of Dirty Dancing in April, also its my little brothers birthday Sunday, so there's 10 of us going out for a Birthday/mothers day meal, should all be fun!

And telling your Mum you're pregnant, will be a lovely surprise! :)

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I'm also secretly hoping that my OH isn't a douche and gets me a card from the bump. If he doesn't, I will fight with him!

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:rotfl: Same here LOL!!

Carnatt - I think you should give your mum a mothers day suprise by telling her your pregnant - that would be lovely :) xx

Tara - Thanks babe :hugs: xx

Chloenat - aww that will be lovely hun - a nice hot stone massage sounds nice too :) xx

Zoe 82 - aww tickets to see dirty dancing - i belive thats supposed to be great! i wouldnt mind going to watch that myself :) xx

Aww you have all got your mum really nice things - i am sure your mums are going to love your presents - every mum loves a house plant too dont they :)

My mum has had this house plant since i was a kid i swear its about 29 yrs old - hence i am 32. Its called a spider plant - anyone seen one before - it dont grow flowers which tickles me because my mum says it grows little white buds & i say i have never seen the buds since the 29yrs you have had it & she laughes her head off. It just has long green flowing leaves.
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ive never seen buds on a spider plant either lol...

Mums will cook im sure but i shall help out. Already got her some smellies but will get her some flowers at the weekend too.

Id love to have a fromt he bump card but i bet noone has thought of it, theres always next year xxx
I'm getting mum a nice pic of the boys (her 3 grandsons) I was going to get her a nice canvas one but it will need replacing come christmas :lol:
Me and AJ are going to take mum out on Saturday for a meal.

I'm debating telling her too......
I'm waiting for a a few more weeks (want to get early scan out of the way first!)

I must admit Im really hoping OH will get me something for mothers day as its my first where I can actually say Im close to having a baby. :D :D Ive dropped a couple of big hints, but they seem to have gone over his head lol.

I havent got my mom anything because she's away and I didnt think about putting something in Dad's suitcase for her lol. Oopsie lol. Will have to make up for it when she gets back. I dont know how I can remind my dad about it without her knowing about it either cos I know he will forget.
I've got my mum a pair of shoes she really likes and a personalised notebook that has a picture of me and her on the front of it with some nice wording.

Can't wait for mothers day next year when i will be a mummy to my little girl!

My mother's day gift for my lovely mum is to drag her to the hospital with me sunday night, As i am going to be induced with first baby, But hopefully she will forgive me, If i can make it up by giving her the gift of a little grandson, She may however never forgive me for making her a "Granny" at the age of just 35. :lol:
Awww lovely posts girls - all the lovely gifts you have got your mums :)

Lexyh - Awww that will be a lovely day for you mum - getting to meet her grandchild - LOL 35 you have a young yummy mummy ;)

I bought my mum a happy mothers day Nan card today from my bump - so gonna write inside from bump hehehe.

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