Mother Rant!!!


Active Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Ranting about the Mother.
Firstly I am 11 and a half weeks pregnant.
2 weeks ago I was suffering from severe sickness, blinding headaches and nosebleeds. My midwife told me to go to A+E ASAP. My partners mum was home from work so she took me, as my mum was working in Manchester and it would of took her nearly an hour to get to me.
Anyway since then my mum has fallen out with me, saying i'm pushing her out of mine and the baby's life. And that I'm pregnant not ill, so to stop acting on it.
Now i know this sounds really trivial but I cant actually understand what I did wrong?
Aww - doesn't sound like you've done anything wrong! Talk about a slight over-reaction!

I've noticed how easy it seems to be to offend people just now! It's like we can't do anything right with some people sometimes! :wall2:

Nevermind! I'm sure she'll come round sooner rather than later eh?

Sending good vibes! x:)
Or love....its awful at the moment 4 me too. My mum is axe and i love her to bits but at the moment i coupd seriously punch her!!!!!! I feel bad for thinkin tht but shes driving me f#%kin xxx
maybe she just felt a little pushed out as she didnt take you.
hope you make up soon x
oh heck thats not gd ur mother has gone ott here u have done nothing wrong she just thinks that ur oh mum is gonna get to see baby more then her i expect its bonkers lol and u did right going to hossy neevr mind ur only pregnant tut ur mum should not have said that severe headaches indicates high bp and should always been taken seriously, she will calm down altho i dont know y she needs to tho lol xxx
Thanks girls, am sure it'll sort itself out soon enough.
Just the last thing I want/need at the min.
Guess all the hormones flying around seem to make everything worse lol.
Am just gunna have to bite the bullet and apologise.
hey hun sorry to hear your mum is being funny

You done the sensible thing and got the closest person to take you to A&E your mum should be grateful there was someone there to take you so you could get seen quicker hope u sort things out soon xx

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