I agree with radleycat above, often with bad morning sickness there is no mythical point at which it disappears and when I had it I was hanging all my hopes on getting to 12 weeks and it disappearing overnight and suddenly feeling great again as that’s what people were telling me, that didn’t happen, in fact on the morning of my 12 week scan id never felt more horrendous and couldn’t hold down the water you are meant to drink, I was still throwing up multiple times a day at 18 weeks, it was only after 20 weeks for me that it started easing off and I stopped throwing up throughout the day, only in the morning, even now at 38 weeks I still regularly get nausea
I found the food aversions the hardest - there was literally nothing which didn’t make me retch even thinking about it, I lived off sugary drinks, bread and chips for a long time which normally I don’t eat a lot of at all, anything else just made me feel like dying and I know that sounds dramatic lol! I didn’t get meds but I absolutely should have and if I ever felt like that again I would this time (OH was very against it and just wanted me to struggle on) if you are really struggling get the meds, and don’t feel bad about what you are or are not eating just eat what you can when you can and try to keep taking the vitamins xx