morning sickness


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi im about 8 weeks pregnant and suffering from really bad morning sickness. Im sick all morning and feel sick all day. Tried ginger biscuits, dry toast, travel sickness bands. Has anyone any other ideas? I know its totally worth it but finding it really hard to get through the day, especially at work, just wish I didnt feel sick all the time. I think its really annoying my husband he is sick of hearing about it. Any ideas gratefully received. Thanks Danielle :)
hello pinkangel

My mum reccomended drinking soda water or ginger ale through a straw. Not too sure why through the straw but she said it worked for her and she was so sick when she was pregnant with me she couldnt move but this helped.

i find that eating little and often always helps.
if i ever get too hungry or too full then it makes the nausea worse. Also if im too hot i always feel the morsning sickness more, so always try to keep myself cool. :D
Thanks a lot I'll try those ideas. I feel like I've had a constant hangover for 2 weeks and I haven't had a drink for 2 months! On the positive side its helping me through the worrying stage cos my widwife said morning sickness is a sign the pregnancy is progressing well :)
I find eating helps, when I get hungry the sickness gets a lot worse.
At least it's normally gone by 2nd tri
Hi Danielle.

Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. I've never actually been sick but I feel sick a lot. I have also found that eating little and often helps. Dry foods are good too.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

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