any tips ot help with morning sickness ??


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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HI, For the last 3 days I have had dreadful morning sickness that lasts on and off all day. Acutally being sick first thing in the morning and then the rest of the day just feeling sick, sick and sick........
At the moment all I can face eating is toast.

Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any tips please - I will try anything...
I know everyone is different but bananas worked for me!?
Right here we go......

I have been looking this up as I need help too!

For sickness it is recommended to eat little but often, never have an empty stomach! Try things high in protein, which should help, like pasta & potatoes.

Apart from that what I find really helps me, is 2 or 3 ginger nut biscuits when it hits or ginger cake!

Hope you both feel better soon! xx
thanks Tam, I will try all those.... Must admit that I hadn't really thought of protein... at the moment just about managing toast... but it definately worth a try....

role on the end of morning sickness
plain biscuits 1st thing in the morning did the trick 4 me
good luck xxx
Fiona the worst case scenario is that for some people nothing works :( Try searching previous threads on morning sickness for ideas. I think there are 2 types one where you are sick (this is what I had) and one where you are nauseous all the time. I think if you are being sick you have to find stuff that you can keep down and if you are nauseous preventing yourself form getting hungry works for a lot of people. If you go to or ebay you can buy sweets called preggy pops which work for nausea. They didn't stop my actual sickness but they really help me when I'm in the car for my nausea.

I really hope you find something that works for you as it is so unpleasant, good luck :)
thanks skatty - I will try ebay now.. I find it dreadful in the car, we were meant to be going to see the monsters-in-laws this weekend but I have cancelled as don't think I could cope with a 2 1/2 drive, especially if the weather is hot..........

How long did you nausea go for ?
It calmed down loads by week 14. My doc put me on special antihisatmines for the sickness and if I forget to take one I am still sick. Often when I've been in the car I'm sick and also if I'm really tired. Its still nothing compared to the first trimester though. If you can put off a long car journey I would, the last thing you want is to be around people when feeling pants anyway!
so sorry for you guys feeling the dreaded sickness :hug:

I am dreading it :(
Does anyone still have arrowroot biscuits or am I showing my age now? :lol:
Minime said:
Does anyone still have arrowroot biscuits or am I showing my age now? :lol:

Eughhhhh I was given arrowroot when I had salmonella :shock: not that I have had the biscuits?!
Not sure about food, but CITRUS SHOWER GEL really helped me. Not eating it obviously... :puke:

I used the Original Source Lemon and tea tree one. I've posted this tip before but it really made a difference to my grim February mornings! It just helps you get going and face the day when the nausea can be at it's worst.

My sympathies with all of you. It really is the most horrible time xxxx

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