Morning sickness


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
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So ive had morning sickness (not just in the mornings!) for about 4 weeks now. Im currently 11 weeks pregnant. Ive not actually been sick but just feel sick and so tired, no energy at all and ive been struggling to eat properly having to force things down :(. Although its strange sometimes i feel fine then other times i feel awful and end up not moving from the sofa all day.

Just wondered if anyone else has been suffering too and how long does it usually last? Im hoping i start to feel better soon as its not very nice at all.
I'm exactly the same Hun and 11 weeks. I'm actually off work it's so bad :( just wish it eases soon. I'm actually voitting ALOT tho they've given me tablets from docs so hoping they'll help
So ive had morning sickness (not just in the mornings!) for about 4 weeks now. Im currently 11 weeks pregnant. Ive not actually been sick but just feel sick and so tired, no energy at all and ive been struggling to eat properly having to force things down :(. Although its strange sometimes i feel fine then other times i feel awful and end up not moving from the sofa all day.

Just wondered if anyone else has been suffering too and how long does it usually last? Im hoping i start to feel better soon as its not very nice at all.

Hi hunni! Im 13 weeks today and had nausea/sickness from about 6+4 and its in the last week or so that it seems to have been subsiding!! Not as often etc! Saying that i felt very nauseous this am, however think its coz i left to big a gap between eating! Lol. Everyone is different tho...but hoping it passes for u soon!! When is ur scan?! :) also i have lack of energy too, know how u feel!! Lol! Felt like calling in to work sick some days! Hehe xx
I'm exactly the same Hun and 11 weeks. I'm actually off work it's so bad :( just wish it eases soon. I'm actually voitting ALOT tho they've given me tablets from docs so hoping they'll help

Aww its not nice is it. Hoping you feel better soon :)
I only work two days a week at the moment so its not too bad ive managed to drag myself there up to now lol
So ive had morning sickness (not just in the mornings!) for about 4 weeks now. Im currently 11 weeks pregnant. Ive not actually been sick but just feel sick and so tired, no energy at all and ive been struggling to eat properly having to force things down :(. Although its strange sometimes i feel fine then other times i feel awful and end up not moving from the sofa all day.

Just wondered if anyone else has been suffering too and how long does it usually last? Im hoping i start to feel better soon as its not very nice at all.

Hi hunni! Im 13 weeks today and had nausea/sickness from about 6+4 and its in the last week or so that it seems to have been subsiding!! Not as often etc! Saying that i felt very nauseous this am, however think its coz i left to big a gap between eating! Lol. Everyone is different tho...but hoping it passes for u soon!! When is ur scan?! :) also i have lack of energy too, know how u feel!! Lol! Felt like calling in to work sick some days! Hehe xx

Yeah hopefully it passes soon :) My first scan is the 5th July im excited but also very nervous! Just keeping my fingers crossed for good news. xx
It's so hard I work in operating theatres full time so it's impossible. I'm constantly retching or bein sick lol so glam! Hoping it starts to subside a little soon
Just realised i made a mistake im actually 10 weeks, will be 11 on monday :)
So ive had morning sickness (not just in the mornings!) for about 4 weeks now. Im currently 11 weeks pregnant. Ive not actually been sick but just feel sick and so tired, no energy at all and ive been struggling to eat properly having to force things down :(. Although its strange sometimes i feel fine then other times i feel awful and end up not moving from the sofa all day.

Just wondered if anyone else has been suffering too and how long does it usually last? Im hoping i start to feel better soon as its not very nice at all.

Hi hunni! Im 13 weeks today and had nausea/sickness from about 6+4 and its in the last week or so that it seems to have been subsiding!! Not as often etc! Saying that i felt very nauseous this am, however think its coz i left to big a gap between eating! Lol. Everyone is different tho...but hoping it passes for u soon!! When is ur scan?! :) also i have lack of energy too, know how u feel!! Lol! Felt like calling in to work sick some days! Hehe xx

Yeah hopefully it passes soon :) My first scan is the 5th July im excited but also very nervous! Just keeping my fingers crossed for good news. xx

Not long at all to wait!! :) let us know how u get on. xxx
No not long to wait thankfully :) yeah ill let you know xx
Sorry I missed your post about your scan I looked so insensitive! Hope all goes well bet time will drag for you! We had to have an emergency scan at 9 weeks but everything was perfect sure yours will be the same! Keep us updated and post a pic if you can :)

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