Morning/All frekin day sickness

Mine started at 5 weeks and has gradually got worse. I tried the lemonaid and it worked for a morning then came back just as bad now i cant face drinking any more.
Yesterday was the worst day ive had so far. I feel like i have motion sickness too so i try stay still as much as i can :(
I am having a lazy day today, hubby is off for bankholiday so will be able to help me a bit with B.
Hope we all feel better soon xxx
Aw that sucks. I hope you find something which eases your symptoms :hug:

At least you get to be with your hubby on the Bank Holiday weekend! :D

I have been feeling nauseous on and off for about a week and was sick last night. Is everyone else just constantly tired?
It's not a good time for me to be tired as I'm meant to be studying for exams. I'm doing my end of year uni exams and I don't have the energy :(

Rant over...
Hi all!

My wife was really really sick to the point of not quite knowing how to cope, and got herself those travel sickness bands. I have no idea why it helped, but it did - she still feels nauseous, but has brought into the realms of being able to cope - might work for you!!

My morning sickness started around 4 weeks this time around, which is rediculously early for me. It started pretty mild and just got worse. Luckily, it's already starting to get better, though.
Mine aint kicked in yet, give it another 1-2 weeks and it probley will, or i might be one of the lucky ones who don't get it (wishfull thinking)

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