morning sickness whats it like?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well ive been up for about an hour just reading the sun and having my first morning ciggie. all of a sudden i felt like i was going to be sick hubby asked if i was ok as i went really white and then i felt really hot.
is that morning sickness?
also boobs hurt loads today and got back ache with cramps in pelvis area.
not sue on for about anouther 7-14 days
manda x
Morning sickness can be either feeling queasy, or actually throwing up. It can happen any time of day despite the name!
I think 7-14 days before af due might be a bit early for it as it usually happens after implantation.
I hope you get your bfp this month :hug: :hug:
hope it is a bft for you, good luck, the waiting is horrible but it sounds like you have the symptoms, before i got my bfps i couldnt smoke, it made me gag, i think its your bodies way of stopping you.
at my calculations id be about 4 weeks today
dont really wanna test incase is neg though
manda x
lol af is due in about a week to 2 weeks hard to keep track as ive gone to 5 week cycles now maybe more i havant a clue after the d&c.
i cant test lol i dont have any or money to get any till i get paid :D
mind mum is bring me round some money tonight possibly might see how much and get one tomorrow i will have to see
(yes im 21 married with my own place and i still relie on me mother for money when im skint :D)
manda x

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