Morning Sickness (Ha)


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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The Ha is for the morning part :roll: :lol:

Anyway what way are you affected by MS

State how many weeks you are

When did it start?

Do you get it first thing?

Does it last all day?

Do you :puke:?

Do you still have an appetite through it?

Thankies girls, just want to see where I fall into the norm or extreme? :(
I think everyone knows how much I was sick!! Started throwing up around the end of week 6, throwing up up to 7 times a day not keeping anything down!! :( I'm now 16 weeks and I'm sick twice a week now, normally in the morning!! I can eat anything now but can't go food shopping as that turns my stomach!!
It will pass Hun even though it doesn't feel like it!! x x
I am just over 11 weeks and MS started at about 7. It started as just nausea and dry retching and moved on to actual vomiting. It lasts all day and has kept me away from work. As for apetite, it varies. At the moment, I eat very little, just what I need to not be sick due to hunger.

I'm still waiting for the day when I will wake up and it will all be over. :)

State how many weeks you are 9 weeks

When did it start? about 7 weeks

Do you get it first thing? Yes, sometimes that's what wakes me up

Does it last all day? Yes, although its worse in the mornings and evenings

Do you :puke:? Yes, about 2-4 times a day

Do you still have an appetite through it? Chips with loads of salt is the only thing I can eat when its really bad (will be big as a house by the end of this...)
Anyway what way are you affected by MS - I was VERY affected!

State how many weeks you are - 18 now

When did it start? 6 weeks and lasted until 12 weeks

Do you get it first thing? All day every day :(

Does it last all day? Yes - a constant queasy feeling

Do you :puke:? Not every day but about 60% of the time.

Do you still have an appetite through it? No - eating anything, cooking anything made me feel ill
Anyway what way are you affected by MS - It's totally wearing me ragged, feel so icky and ill and headachy ....bleurghhhh

State how many weeks you are - 8

When did it start? - 3/4 weeks (it started before I knew I was pg, put it down to nervousness over a courtcase that was going on that week :lol:)

Do you get it first thing? - Most definitely, as soon as my head lifts of the pillow :(

Does it last all day? - Until I lay my head down at night :(

Do you :puke:? - About 10-15 times a day :cry:

Do you still have an appetite through it? - No, but I'm eating what I can, when I can
Anyway what way are you affected by MS - Just a bit depressing feeling icky all day and no-one at work knows so have to hide it.

State how many weeks you are - 9

When did it start? - 5 weeks it was there a bit, by end of week 6 it got bad!

Do you get it first thing? - Yeah, have to take a moment when I arrive at work to take charge of myself :)

Does it last all day? - Gets a bit better and then really bad from 1700 onwards.

Do you :puke:? - Not yet but takes about 20% of my constant concentration not to!

Do you still have an appetite through it? - Yes for cooked food but as soon as I think about the act of cooking or open the fridge I go off the idea. Forcing myself to have something :)
State how many weeks you are: 13

When did it start? Around 8 weeks...thought I got off lightly until...

Do you get it first thing? Sometimes but not often. Mine is normally from about 3pm onwards.

Does it last all day? Until I fall asleep :(

Do you :puke:? I haven't yet but that is mostly down to the fact that I have panic attacks when I think I am going to be sick. I have trained my body to hold it in even if I feel poo!

Do you still have an appetite through it? Nope! I am the same as Frankie. If the food is cooked and put in front of me I will prob have a couple of mouthfuls... if I have to cook it I wretch!
Glad its not just me with that particular weakness! :)
Poor you Mamafy 10-14 times a day!
None of us are doing too good on the MS part :(

Why the feck do they call it 'morning' sickness? :wall:
Anyway what way are you affected by MS - It's totally wearing me ragged, feel so icky and ill and headachy ....bleurghhhh

State how many weeks you are - 8

When did it start? - 3/4 weeks (it started before I knew I was pg, put it down to nervousness over a courtcase that was going on that week :lol:)

Do you get it first thing? - Most definitely, as soon as my head lifts of the pillow :(

Does it last all day? - Until I lay my head down at night :(

Do you :puke:? - About 10-15 times a day :cry:

Do you still have an appetite through it? - No, but I'm eating what I can, when I can

10-15 times a day!!! You need to get some anti sickness meds off the doc like, thats extreme!! :hug: poor you xx
Think I do, I'm worried I'll dehydrate, feel headachy the past few days :(

Will ask the hospital on Tuesday xx
I wouldn't leave it till tuesday if your showing signs of dehydration flower. Have you ever had MS this bad before? xx
8 weeks now.
Started at 6 weeks so it been 2 weeks of this now.
Starts as soon as I get out of the bed, start dry heaving all over the place, earning me some funny looks from the kids.
Lasts all day, gradually getting worse.
Vomited once.
No appetite at all. Any smell of food cooking sets me off. I can manage to eat tiny amounts off food served to me by darling OH.
Have had the same headache for 5 days running now due to dehydration cos I'm having diarrhoea all the time.
Nice to know that I ain't the only one! :)
I wouldn't leave it till tuesday if your showing signs of dehydration flower. Have you ever had MS this bad before? xx

Last time I was sick, but don't think this sick. Could be hormonal headaches and tonights wee (sorry tmi) is nice and pale so I must be drinking enough at least although its been strong looking all day.

I'll defo go before if I feel worse xxx
oh your poor lot, hang in there, you must have good strong pregnancys all of you!
Anyway what way are you affected by MS- I had it all day for most the day from about 5 weeks to 9weeks

State how many weeks you are - I am 10 weeks

When did it start? 5 weeks

Do you get it first thing? yes

Does it last all day? yes

Do you :puke:?more nausea that sickness

Do you still have an appetite through it?I couldnt eat anything except grapefruit and ready salted crisps

I had it bad then I tried taking vitamin b6 and that seems to have stopped it
@Mamafy.... how did you handle yourself everyday? Like you're so sick already. Can you still do things around the house? I feel sorry for you.

I've used to also have the "morning sickness" that lasts til the evening hehe. Keep throwing up everything I eat. The only thing I can tolerate eating was vanilla ice cream.
Anyway what way are you affected by MS - Feel miserable all day long, the smell of ANYTHING makes me heave, feel queasy but only been sick a few times since it started!

State how many weeks you are - 10

When did it start? - About 6 weeks

Do you get it first thing? - Funnily enough first thing in the morning is the only time I dont feel sick!!

Does it last all day? - Its mostly bad after lunchtime... till I go to sleep :'(

Do you :puke:? - Have done a couple of times but not much.. Thankfully cos being sick makes me be sick more!!

Do you still have an appetite through it? - Not really, everything I used to like makes me heave now and the only things I feel like eating is stuff I never liked!! I have to eat with my eyes shut most of the time cos the sight of food makes me feel worse :(

I hope it goes away soon and I can get a normal appetite back, I miss my food!!

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