Morning Sickness (Ha)

State how many weeks you are - 9 weeks

When did it start? - 6 weeks

Do you get it first thing? - Only if I havent slept well, But most often I feel fine in the morning. Nausea starts about 6, and gets progressivly worse, if im not asleep by 11, I feel far to sick to sleep.

Does it last all day? No

Do you puke? Guarenteed, Starts at 10pm on the dot (Unless ive been stupid and eaten a big meal during the day) and is pretty continuous till I find my bed

Do you still have an appetite through it? When feeling nauseous, Cant stand the thought of eating anything atall. And considering I threw up ginger tea last night, thats probably a good thing. I make sure ive eaten what I need at lunch time.
@Mamafy.... how did you handle yourself everyday? Like you're so sick already. Can you still do things around the house? I feel sorry for you.

I've used to also have the "morning sickness" that lasts til the evening hehe. Keep throwing up everything I eat. The only thing I can tolerate eating was vanilla ice cream.
EEW ms and vanilla ice cream - funny how your body craves strange things during pregnancy! Do feel for you ladies i was a little sick with first but only usually feel sick in first tri xxxxxx to you all
iv been really lucky i think, had no sickness or feeling sick at all, only thing i have done every morning and night it retch when im brushing my teeth, :puke:

i think thats a reason to why i was so scared something might be wrong with bump because i had no signs or symptoms :sad:

i dont envy you at all with the morning sickness, when i was about 15 or 16 (now 22) i had a really bad stomach reflex problem caused by stress of exams, god damn GCSE's and everthing i ate or when i drank or laid down was sick, :sleep: or had really bad acid reflux and that caused me to be sick, it lasted until i was about 18/ or 19 and i had meds to keep it at bay and then gradually learned how to control the stress and now im fine, so i was expecting it to all come back, but i remeber how bad that was and i wouldnt wish feeling sick or being sick on my worst enemy, its so horrible,

hope you all grow out of it soon,


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