Morning (noon and bloody night) Sickness Cures?

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Does anyone have any remedies they recommend or that people around them have tried and it appears to work?!¬!?

Or at least make it subside a wee bit...?

Since last sunday morning I wake up and feel sick till i go to sleep... i bork loads but am not actually sick. It's really getting to me. No appetite at all so struggling to eat anything...gggrrrrr. Roll on twelve weeks.

Hi, I've been told about loads of supposed cures but I think it's different for everyone.
Ginger is known to help, fresh ginger in water, ginger tea bags, sooking crystalised ginger, ginger biscuits, ginger get the idea. I dont much like ginger flavoured stuff so that may have been a factor. I found the ginger capsules repeated on me and it was really quite a nasty spicy burning sensation in my throat :puke: .
Strawberry tea is another one, if nothing else it help with vitC.
Pepermint Tea, a girl from NZ swore by them, said it was the only thing that helped.

Personally nothing stopped me puking, however what did help a bit was my OH got up and brought me a cup of tea and a bit toast first thing before I got up - his mum told him to do it and as a result I usually made it to work before puking for the first time that day! Don't let the OH drive either - I rarely had to pull over to puke when I was driving.
I'm 17weeks tomorrow and my sickness has just started to calm down so don't get upset if it tkes longer that 12weeks! I kept expecting so miracle stoppage one day but it's been gradual. I actually have slightly more enengy now which is always welcome!

Even if you don't fancy much to eat try to keep your stomach lined with something, it's far less painful when there's something in there! Try to drink more water (which I admit I found impossible as it made me wretch) and take the folic acid and you'll be grand!

Good luck, hope it wears off soon! :)
I know exactly how you feel :? The sickness has really hit me this week. I suffered really badly with DD for 16wks but over night it went away :dance:
I find it is worst if I get too tierd (hard not too) I have to eat little and oftern, even though eating is the last thing I feel like doing. I really have to force myself, but it does may me feel slightly better (for a few minutes) I don't worry about what I'm eating (if its healthy or not) I just eat anything I feel I can stomach.

Good luck, lets hope we get over this stage soon :hug:
ive tried too many things to remember. One thing the hospital have suggested and seems to help is salt and vinegar crisps. They said that it helps retain fluids (i thought it would dehydrate me, but what do i know!!).

about the only thing ive not tried that i have had suggested to me is travel sickness pressure bands - ive been told they help?

There is the good old ginger, loads of little meals instead of large ones, plenty of fluids. I was told at my 12 week scan that it should go if not get LOADS better at 12 ish weeks, and normally has completely gone by 15. Guess who is still suffering though :wall: Im now on meds to help, which they seem to be. Im not being quite as sick, im able to keep food down, but im still gagging all the time!

ooo... just remembered one - with alice i lived on cream crackers. every time i felt like i was going to be sick i would nibble on one. Seemed to help. Doesn't seem to help this time though.
i wish i could find a definate answer :( im finding ready salted crisps/hula hoops and rich tea biscuits help and sipping water , really boring breakfast cereals.

but i tried the motion sickness bands, and i found they made me worse somehow :think: also i cant drink tea anymore !! never used to be able to function without it :wall: and fruit and fibre cereal i cant even put some in my mouth without running to bathroom :puke:
Iv not suffered with morning sickness but ive heard eating little and often helps :hug:
oh yeah red apples help me ! the other day thats all i could keep down, not even rich teas were working !
When I was pregnant (13 years ago!) my mum told me to eat dry toast before I went to bed and it seemed to work for me. I did suffer a little bit with morning sickness but as I was a teenager at home with my parents I also found laying in as late as possible :sleep: helped too :rotfl: , although that wouldn't be possible these days!! Golden oldies such as rich tea, toast, ginger, water etc anything bland really.

Hope it passess soon, it's really not very nice :hug:
Warm ginger tea or ginger buscuits which ever you prefer. Always have a small snack in your bag and eat little and often. :hug:

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