morning girls!!!

Morning, Hope everyone is well.
Leanne good luck and keep us posted.
I feel really really sick this morning, i have a v.strange metallic taste in my mouth. AF just gone so V. confused.

At first no .. there were clots (TMI) for the first day and then it got very light, strange one.
ooooo signs are sounding v good for you Kelly hunni!! :pray:

thanks Skairdy - i thought someone had told me though that when they found out they were PG they had less CM??? :think:
oo ooo ooooo i forgot to say - my mum told me last night that she had a dream the night before that Danny had rung her up and told her i was 4 months PG :shock: :rotfl:
MissGobby said:
oo ooo ooooo i forgot to say - my mum told me last night that she had a dream the night before that Danny had rung her up and told her i was 4 months PG :shock: :rotfl:

Ooooo could be a sign!! :D
Jo did you get more CM than usual when you found out, only i thought i heard people got less CM than usual yet i have been having more?

hope its a sign lol i didnt know what to say though LOL as she doenst know does she :rotfl:
MissGobby said:
Jo did you get more CM than usual when you found out, only i thought i heard people got less CM than usual yet i have been having more?

hope its a sign lol i didnt know what to say though LOL as she doenst know does she :rotfl:

I had more for a few days last week but now its normal again. Heres my list of symptoms: ... hp?t=33534
tbh i dont think its my month BUT AF still hasnt arrived so will just have to wait and see :pray: :hug:
hey miss G.. sorry not spoken to you much been really busy at work with being off and all...

i keep checking in and praying for the BFP for you :pray: :pray:

so pleased to see all those BFPs, that has made everyones week.... m,ake it 4 for us.. :hug:
hey rach :wave: glad to see you back!! :hug:

im hoping for a BFP too hunni believe me lol i will let you know if i either test tomorrow, or i will txt Jo and ask her to post if i test on Saturday - that is only if AF stays away!!

how good is that, 3 BFP's in a matter of 2 days? lol :cheer:
Hey miss G - any sign yet?
:pray: :pray: she stays away for us!!!!

No sign of her here yet either! but my god I feel really queasy today!
hey chick - no sign yet and im getting no signs she is on her way :pray: still got quite a bit of CM and backache today and really really hungry LOL

hope she stays away for both of us hun - when will you test? :hug:
Going to use a test tomorrow morning! Already had 3 BFNs.... I am a Test O Holic!

Good Luck!
wanna be a test buddy? :wink:

i think im going to test in the morning aslong as SHE stays away LOL

make sure you come on here and tell us the news hunni :pray: ing its a BFP for you :hug:
Will Do! Off to town to stock up on tests! I have been using some from superdrug £10 for 4 - but I think I am off to buy a FRER.

As I had a positive with that last time!

Good Luck!

iv only got a poundland test LOL its all i can afford :wink:

good luck to you too, make sure you post on here in the morning

good luck babes :pray: :hug:
sooo..........Gemma - did you test????? :pray:

i didnt test, i had got the test out and everything but i didnt do it because i would rather do it tomorrow when Dan's here!!! took a lot of strength to pull myself away from the test mind you :wink: :lol:

how are we all today?
Morning ladies - just wanted to wish those that are testing BFP's!

Hope you all get the result you are wanting!

Miss G - well done for waiting, that does take a lot of will power. :clap:

Gemma - good luck to you to :pray:

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