today is the day...

:wave: :

So Mis Gobby and JodieLou any sign she is on her way?

My temp levelled off this morning or at least 0.01degree of levelling off. Not going to look into it too much though but now i am 14DPO, 4 days more than normal?. :think:

Hope you get the results you want ladies and keep us posted :hug:
skairdykat said:
MissGobby said:
skairdykat said:
Awwww hun I really hope you get your BFP your so lovely LOL :hug:
Not sure about the pain though hun.

:oops: awww thanks...why tho?!? :think: LOL

well knowing me (as i am the most impatient person alive!!) i will no doubt test agian in the morning if SHE doesnt arrive - im off to meadowhall tomorrow night with my friend so i can buy lots more tests from poundland if its a BFN :lol:

3 tests for £1 - how good is that?? :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: I don't know your just always so nice to everyone you really deserve it.

awww thanks hun - :hug: :D
well ladies, no sign of AF whatsoever, absolutley nothing!!! BUT i tested again this morning and it was a BFN!!! there was no line there at all!!

so im confused, does this mean that im just waiting for AF to turn up as i have got a BFN day after period was due????


good luck Jodie babes - has she turned up? :pray:
Dont get downhearted MissG, its still early days. The longer AF stays away the better :D Test again tomorrow if she hasnt arrived. We're all rooting for you :hug: :hug:
aww thanks Snuggle hun!!! i feel so differnet in myself but maybe its all in my head, i have started with a sniffly nose today :roll: !

i hope your right and its just too early ! i have no signs whatsoever that she is on her way and my nipples are still sore!

:think: :think: :think:

probably just waiting for AF now :roll:
Sore nipples is a good sign (my left one is itchy today :shock: ), I have a sniffly nose today too :(

that is the only thing i am really holding on to that could mean i am PG becuase i never get sore nipples, but not really holding out for it! i know AF will come and suprise me soon - :(
:pray: :pray: :pray:


There, I'll think positive for you hun :wink: :hug: :hug: :hug:

LOL i wish that worked hun - im just gonna try and not think about it and if AF does come im gonna try not to be too disapointed, DF is home on Friday for two whole weeks so we can get lots of BD'ing in then :wink: and hopefully i will OV in that two weeks (i hope!). :pray:

i hope this is my month, but will try and keep positive Snuggle - just for you! :lol:

do you know if you can still get PG even if you get a BFN after the day of your period was due???i didnt think you could? :think:
I didnt get a BFP til I was 3 days late hun so there's still a chance for you :pray:

Some people dont get BFP's til even later than that, depends on hormone levels so stay positive and hopefully this will be your month and if not then enjoy your BDing with DF while he's home and your time will come darlin :hug: :hug:
Really sound's like this could be your month miss gobby.

I dont think it's mine. She's still not here though. My boobs arent hurting anymore though :think: I'm not testing again until Thursday. She will probably arrive today anyway :roll:
thanks Snuggle!!! :pray:

aww thanks Jodie, good luck babes you dont know, you cant say that until she arrives - i hope its your month babes! :pray: :hug:
i'm keeping my eye on you miss g.... i expect a bfp on here from you soon....

dont forget to send Aunite to mine..... i got a week or so before i ov so i can keep her away from you til then :wave:
aww thanks rachie hun :wave: i have left my sign outside pointing her to your house and have boarded up all my windows and doors so hopefully she will be on her way to you!!! :D

i hope i get my BFP but trying not to get too excited as i will only be really dispointed if she turns up! :think:
hope your ok babes
:pray: and also good luck to Jodie and GGG - im rooting for you girls too! :D
Thanx hun.

Still hasnt arrived. I've had no cramps at all so far today, they eased last night. I hate this all this waiting and wondering :wall:

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