Money worries


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Things are really strained between OH and me at the moment :( one minute i'm ranting and raving about how little money we have and then the next he is. I was a lap dancer before i found out i was pregnant and never had worries as my money was really good. Anyway when i found out i was pregnant the plan was i would dance for a while longer, but just not do the pole. But OH decided he didnt want me too. We had no savings as tbh id been very selfish with the money, plus OH wasnt working all winter so i paid for everything.
I rang the job centre after the last of my money ran out and they sent a letter saying i am entitled to job seekers. So i went for all my interviews and signed on and waited for my money...and waited...and waited. Turned out the stupid foriegn woman on the phone 'couldnt understand me' and actually i was entitled to NOTHING at all as i am about 10 credits off having paid enough into the systems which also equals no maternity help.
Anyhow OH luckily got a job as a gardner and also does grass cuts in his own time. But somehow his outgoings are MORE than his pay not including rent ???!! So i have just got a job after 2 months of interviews but he says my money and his combined still isnt enough!!!!! Its nearly £3000.
I am going for an interview for a second job and im worried i wont b able to cope as OH does no cooking/cleaning/help round the house and i'm not having an enjoyable pregnancy so far as im so tired and ill. I dont know how we are going to cope and he has only just told me things are so bad. He went mad at me for buying a lipstick that cost £3.99 the other day, which i needed as i use the same lippy and only buy a new one wen it runs out...yet he spends £3 A DAY on fags!
Why did he tell me he was fine holding the fort for 2 months insted of asking for help? He pays £400 a month to yellow pages and thats one of the lower bills.
Is anyone in a similar situation? :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
aww hun, go to the council and get the forms for low income, housing and council tax benefit, hopefully they should help you out with paying rent and council tax, thats the only advise i can offer hun, im not really sure about any thing else hun soz :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to be nosey but what does he pay £400 to yellow pages for? Is it to advertise his gardening, if so could he not advertise in local papers instead that must be cheaper. That could save you a few pennies :)
He took out a massive advert that cost £2000! Basically hes still paying that off plus one for Thomson Directry thats about £200 per month. I can safely say he will NEVER be doing that again.

We went to the council and have applied for council housing but have heard nothing back and we are not entitled to any help with rent/council tax.
Before I was about to start my 6 months unpaid part of maternity leave we sat down and list all our outgoings and had to decide which things we could reduce by looking around and switching suppliers or cut out completely. It wasn't easy but once you've got everything down on paper you can see what you absolutely have to pay and what you can live without. For us it was take-aways and mobile phones and buying lunch at work instead of taking a packed lunch etc.

It isn't easy but you might be surprised that things aren't as bad as they seem!
I had to sit down with my sister who was in mega debt and try and sort her mess out... I did exactly what Becky has just said, I made her list everything she had going out and got rid of everything she didnt need.. internet, mobile phone, sky etc, there was alot she was paying for that she didnt "need"

I then noticed the stuff she had lying about the house and set her away selling stuff she no longer needed on ebay... it wont make ya rich but might make ya a little saving pot?? or possibly use it for the OH smoking???

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