Money saving tips

i batch cook and freeze!!!!! its so much easier and cheaper. especially some days i cannot be arsed to cook whatsoever!!! the other day i made bolognese (4 portions so 2 meals), chilli (same amount), cottage pie and a potato hash! all in all i made and froze 16 portions of food, so 8 meals!!!! im running out of recipe ideas tho!!!
Like! I just froze a massive load of bolognaise. Alice if you make a list of stuff you actually need aldi shopping is amazing! I challenge you to try it for your weekly shop!!
my fave thing from aldi is those german style sausages!!!!!!!!!! yummmmmm
i get too easily distracted! especially with all the gardening stuff that they've got in at the moment! i've got a massive thiing about wanting my garden looking perfect this year!
i just got from the pound shop a set to grow your own herbs!!!(im a geek at heart) my basil and corriander is growing nicely but my parsly isnt!!! i love adding fresh herbs to pasta etc and theyre quite expensive in supermarkets so for £1 i thought id give it a go! lol
i got a lovely kitchen herb planter for a tenner in morrisons, lovely pot with chives, thyme, basil and oregano! cant wait for them to grow! its currently in a plastic bag on the window sill! i'm a geek too haha
i got a lovely kitchen herb planter for a tenner in morrisons, lovely pot with chives, thyme, basil and oregano! cant wait for them to grow! its currently in a plastic bag on the window sill! i'm a geek too haha

oooo i think i will have to invest!!! im addicted to fresh tomato and basil pasta!!!!!
Oh I want I want!! I'm soooo visiting every poundland until I find one!
I love being thrifty, my tips are to plan your meals so that everything gets used up and you can use stuff you buy more than once. I make everything from scratch which saves sooo much money and always tastes nicer and is healthier.
Hubbie shops around for all the best deals on bills etc, really worth doing even if you just ring up your current suppliers. The other month we were sorting insurance for ourcar and although our insurer was cheapest we rang them up and they offered us a free night in a hotel to keep us with them!!
We also buy early for birthdays, when you see something that you know that person will like then buy it if its on offer, saves us soo much money and really makes it seem like we think about the presents!!
Loving this thread tho!!
I want a Waitrose and an Aldi here! Everyone talks about them..

You can start making your own body scrubs! Helen (Rosie's Mummy) made a thread a while back x
I'm attempting Lidls later today, with a list! Hope I won't go too astray :P
Does anyone know if Lidls have trolley's with baby seats on? I'm sure I've never seen them there :S
Yes they do but you need a pound coin to get them! Nothing worse than turning up without one! They're cleaner than our local tesco baby trollies too! Good luck, tell us how much you spent when you get back :yay:
£33.61, and I'd normally spend over £40 in Morrisons. And I needed to buy coffee which was £6 out of that, so did pretty well!!
The only thing I don't like about Lidls is that the end of the checkout isn't very big so I always feel I have to pack really quickly and get out the way lol :)
I know, its really quite stressful isnt it! I always chuck it in the trolley and pack afterwards. Its worth it for the cheap shop though isnt it. You did really well there :yay:

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