Molly Victoria Trixie b. 24th June 08


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Jun 29, 2006
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A couple of weeks ago they found out I was diabetic so I went to see consultant last friday who advised getting the baby out asap due to health concerns so I said to try a sweep first and was booked in for an induction on tues 24th. He did the sweep and said I was 1-2cm which is normal after having babies anyway. On the friday night I had regular light contractions every 6 mns until they completely stopped at 5am :wall:
Got a few cramps here and there over the weekend and Tuesday morning arrived so me & OH reluctantly made our way to hossie.

Got to hossie and MW explained the proceedure, did blood pressure etc and said she'd do an internal first then look at applying the gel to start labour. Luckily she did that first before putting the gel in as I was already 4cm dialated!!! She said she'd book a slot in the afternoon to break my waters. She did another sweep and sent us for a walk which started the contractions off about 11am. By 12.30 they started getting sharp and by 1pm I was asking for pain relief and was taken to the delivery suite :shock:

Did well on gas & air then about 4.30 it was really sore and MW said the baby should be with us by 8pm at which point I thought sod that gimmie drugs!! Had a 1/3 dose of pethidene and MW left us. I suddenly felt baby move down and was trying to tell OH to get the nurse I wanted to push. He thought I meant I wanted to push the button :doh:
I pressed the alarm and they went into a bit of a flap as they werent ready and were telling me not to push :roll: Apparantly pethidene can cause the cervix to suddenly open as it relaxes all your muscles so baby was well on her way. 3 pushes later and she arrived at 5 on the dot, 7lb 14oz, loads of hair.

Had small tear, 3 stitches and absolutely no after pain. I was in agony for a fortnight with Eefie so I'm very grateful that this time I havent so much as needed a paracetamol :cheer: Very pleased with the birth as they didnt really do anything, she came when she was ready!

She's doing well, slept all last night and most of night before, seems a bit colicky in the evenings so we've started infacol and going to give her a sip of roobois. She's very placid and big bruv has turned into an angel even waiting his turn :D

aww she is just gorgeous!!! Im so glad for you that you didn't need to be induced in the end :cheer:
Congratulations! :cheer: Shes gorgeous. Glad the birth went so well :)
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:
Awwwww.... many congrats she is so cute and I love her sleepsuit!
Congratulations hun, glad that she decided to come out on her own and you didn't have to be induced. :cheer:
~*Leanne*~ said:
awww shes gorgeous hun....PLUS she was born on my 21st birthday wooo :cheer:

Happy birthday! She's also born on my nan's 88th who she's named after so we're pleased with that too. I think my nan is chuffed too :D
Congratulations she's lovely - harrison has those suits in blue :cheer:
Congratulations, good news about avoiding induction :D

She is beautiful

Alex xxx
Congratulations, glad it went so well without having to be induced :D
Congratulations, she's really gorgeous - and look at all that hair!!

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