mobile epidural


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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has anyone heard much about mobile epidural? i don't like the thought of not being able to feel my legs if i opted for an epidural.... i'd like to think i can manage labour using tens and gas n air... maybe pethadine if needed! but never say never... i may be begging for an epidural when the time comes... but as i say! i'm really scared of not being able to feel my legs! i don't know what scares me about the idea but i'm really really scared of not being able to feel.... i read about a mobile epidural and how you can still have an active birth... i'm gong to discuss this with my MD at m next scan in 24 days and 23 hours)...

hi hayley ive heard of mobile epidurals but dont know how common they are everyone ive spoken to whos had one has not been able to move and believe me if your at the stage where you cant cope with the pain you will not give a thought to not being able to move your legs i had an epidural on my son after being in labour about 31 hours and it was a godsend they put it in my back and within 20 mins i slept for first time in 2 nights and they woke me up 6 hours later to push baby out amazing pain relief and i would definately have it again this time if i feel the need :D xxx
I don't know much about mobile epidurals, but agree wholeheartedly with Rach. If you get to the stage that you want an epidural, you won't care if you can move!!! I can remember the student doctor and my ex playong puppets with my floppy ankles!!! :shock:

I have already told my mw that I want an epi at the first contraction. I'm not one of those mums who thinks that you've not had a proper labour if you've not experienced pain. I can't understand why anyone has to go through pain when there are alternatives available. I am hoping that as it is planned in so early, that I can have a mobile one, but who knows.

Hayley - you'll have to let us know how you get on with your questions.
I think I saw something on TV about mobile epidurals recently and it's a misconception that it means that you can be active and mobile, from what they said you still can't stand up etc with a mobile epidural.

Found this link which has more info about them:
I had a mobile epidural with my first daughter and it sort of worked. I manged to walk down to the cafe for an ice lolly but sat at the table and couldn't get back up again. Had to keep going back for montering and when my waters went 2 nurses had to help me off the bed. So I did have some sensation but wasn't fully mobile. Do think it helped with the pushing though cos I could actully feel her coming out but didn't have to much pain.

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